Zutara <3

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Hey guys! So I wanted to write a Zutara fan fic coz I absolutely ADORE the series. Imma nerd like that, I no. X3 THANX FOR READING AND TELL ME WAT CHU THINK! I gotta finish it tho, it's not all of it :) PLEASE VOTE AND COMMENT..... *cough-fan-cough* IT WOULD MEAN HEEEAAAPS!!! Haha thanx guys I LUV U!! <3 <3 <3

//NONE OF THE CHARACTERS BELONG TO ME! THEY'RE ALL NICKELODEONS AND THE LEGENDS THAT CREATED THE SERIES!! I just wrote this for young teens who fill thier time staring at boss walls and smoking weed. *puts hands up level with shoulders* hey, I'm just saving lives here.//


*Katara and Zuko trying to find the man who killed her mother.*

With both hands on either side of her slim body, I push up against her, keeping her close to the wall. I see her blue eyes through the black, hooded mask covering her beautiful face, cutting into mine. Scraping through my mind I come up with an explanation as to why I'm intruding her personal space. The worst one I had ever heard.

"I thought I saw a guard," I mumble in my low voice, trying not to alarm Katara of my feelings for her.

She silently nods and we continue to creep across the cold surface, moving in perfect unison. I don't want to to disconnect my body from hers, out of fear that it would be the last time I'll be able to be this close to her without showing Aang my true colors.

A building comes into view from around the corner, high up in the mountain, almost too late to tell Katara that it's a watch tower.

I grab her by the hips and pull her close to me, only our clothes separating our bodies.

I whisper in her ear, "That's a Fire Nation watch tower. They have highly trained people to kill on sight. We have to go another way."

"But we have to go this way," she objected. "It's the only path we have to the monster who killed my mother."

Her voice, as usual, sent chills up my spine, threatening my knees to lock and fall from beneath me. There's no one who made my heart rate pump ten times faster, made me so uneasy. That is, before I met Katara.

I remember tying her to the tree next to the lake and standing behind her, holding her mothers necklace up to her neck. At that moment, I knew I was a goner. So I played around with her, taunted her a bit. Pulled her along, if you will. My victory line, 'Don't worry, I'll save you from the pirates.'

"That's not the way we were originally going anyway. I was well aware of that tower." I try to keep my voice leveled, "There is- there is another way." I whisper and pull her closer.

She didn't say anything.

I gently swung her to the wall and put my body as close as I could, leaving no air in between.

She looked up at me in confusion and surprise, "Zuko-"

I put my fingers to her lips to hush her. "Quiet."

Looking around, being very cautious, I take my left hand, which was still on her hip, and move it up her body, just that tad bit slower than it should have been.

The girl freezes, "Zuko, what are you-"

"I said quiet." I repeat.

When my hand is next to the area just below her shoulder, I take it away and reach for a hidden leaver and pull.

Beside us, a slab of concrete on the wall rises, revealing a long, narrow hall, disappearing into the darkness.

Her eyes widened, "THIS is the way?"

"Yup," I broke contact with her and walked into the hidden entrance. Soon, I realized she wasn't following. "You coming, Blue eyes?"

She stood in the mouth of the hall, unmoving. I looked at her. From here she looked like a Greek Goddess, as always, with the full moons light coming from behind her, making her features sharp and beautiful. Her body had curves in all the right places, making her irresistible. This, I thought, is a definite obsession.

She hesitated, then stepped inside, leaving the outside world behind. The wall automatically closed behind her, cutting off our vision.

"Zuko?" she spoke in a quiet voice. "Where are you?"

"I'm right here." I say with all the reassurance I can conjure up. Placing a hand on her shoulder, I feel her slightly tense, then loosen when I light my hand. The warm glow of the fire I hold sofens the angles of her face, giving her the appearance of an angel.

I look at her through the mask, trying to figure out what she's thinking, feeling. But as usual, her face tells no story.

She breaks the eye line, "I think we should keep moving."

I was a little shocked about this because her voice seemed to break, less controlled than it usually is. She walks in the other direction, head down, long strides, me following.

"Uh, yeah." I say, marching to keep up with her. When I'm at her side, I dim the light. "Someone's coming."

Voices sound and footsteps become louder. Without thinking, I know who it is.

"Hurry! Hide behind these rocks!" she says to me, pulling me down behind the big boulders that's lay on the sides of the path and lands on top of me. I feel my cheeks flame, making me grateful for the mask I was wearing.

"Put the light out, Zuko!" she orders.

I close my hand into a fist, extinguishing the fire.

"C'mon guys, there's nothing for us here." says the familiar voice. Azula.

Why does she have to ruin EVERYTHING? I think.

"Yeah, this place gives me the creeps." says an overly happy voice which would undoubtably belong to the little pink girl my sister always hangs around. Ty-Lee. Yeah, that's it.

My highly trained ears detect three sets of foot steps, but only two voices. That's when it hits me.


Holy crap. I'm screwed.

Her dull, emotionless voice echoes through the tunnel.

"We have an audience."

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