what people believe

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I admit, I have said "Kys" and then I learnt what might happen;

It can be put of your record, Permanently, for supporting suicide.

Imagine your college professors reading your record like

"Oh Peter Van Dyck?
Had one detention in year 6
Encouraged suicide to a 12 year old girl, whom later killed herself
Told a 13 year old boy to drink bleach because he was homosexual

No, not in my classes."

You can't escape it. You can be tracked.

Call me a hippocrate or whatever, but if you were to say it to anyone, imagine saying it to your mum. Imagine telling her to kill herself because she did something you dont agree with.

Does that sound like something you would do? I wouldn't.

It's terrible. If you have the audacity to even attempt that, unfollow me. As a person who may or may not feel suicidal at times, it feels terrible to just want to die and nothing else.

Im ranting about this while I listen to Number 13 (Audio book that is on the scary story section of spotify. I dunno it seems like a nice hour to get scared..

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