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so since a few of my friends (and mutuals) did this, so will i.

once a girl named morgan went on wattpad. she made an email (that is now lost) account and a password. named herself @ real-liechtenstien, verified herself, and she then found a few books and people to follow. after
making her first two books (admins book of crap and lili's journal) she got a few messages on her board and a message.

she answered all of he messages on her board and then, after five minutes she looked at the message, where someone messaged her a simple message. "hi". she replied back and quickly became friends.

she followed a few more people and found a better profile picture and background.

her books got a few comments and votes and made a few more books and continued to gain followers, after having gained 32 in her first day. she messaged a few people and a few people messaged her.

fast forward a few months, school started, she was in love (shocker) and she had changed a lot from who she was

she joined wattpad as a weeb who couldnt shut up and come back a few months later and shes a kinda mature person who learnt a few things along the way, and picked up a few things from them

misshungary made her curse less, smile more and boop a little less people on the nose. and also that weebs are annoying so thank you, thank you trish for assuring i didnt stay an emo weeb. also first girlfriend :00

russialover12 is a nice person i still message and ive been with her through a few things an so has she. she made sure i was happy with myself and always wanted to keep a conversation going. thank you trin for continuing to talk to me.

lithuania taught me to be a little less hood and since i am very hood it helps when im trying to be serious when i present an oral essay to history class

fem-danmark was originally a person i followed because she was a belarus account and her covers were amazing, and now one of my favourite people in the world as not only do you adore hamilton as much as i do, but you never bore me and also dANK MEMES. youre a nice person that everyone should go follow because shes lit. p.s. ovo

II-oka_ruto-II is one of her first people that shes been friends with to talk to her at 12 am, and not only has he done that but always messages me and i adore him and hes amazing uwu

lovina-vargas-sitaly taught me that its okay to want to beat a bitch up and sometimes wine and champagne is a bit to formal

and to everyone else
thank you
thank you for keeping me here
and keeping me happy

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