{self help two}

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67 Things To Do To Boost Your Self-Esteem !!

do whichever you feel like doing !!!

Feel your best:

1. Take a luxurious, hot shower.
2. Take a bubble bath.
3. Scrub your face.
4. Apply perfume or cologne.
5.  Put on makeup.
6. Follow a makeup tutorial and try something new!
7. Apply lotion to your entire body.
8. Dress up in an outfit that makes you feel awesome, without worrying about what anyone else thinks of it.
9. Take a selfie.
10. Look at your naked self in the mirror and think of 5 nice things to say about it.
11. Do something new with your hair.
12. Get a haircut.
13. Dye your hair.
14. Get a piercing and then take meticulous care of it.
15. Get a tattoo and treat it with love.
16. Buy yourself a new article of clothing, or piece of jewelry, and wear it.
17. Buy shoes that fit you perfectly.
18. Go somewhere just to be seen looking amazing.
19. Shave very carefully, so your skin is smooth as silk.
20. Masturbate.
21. Do laundry so you can put on freshly clean clothes. If seasonally appropriate, put them on all warm and fresh from the dryer.
22. Do stretches.
23. Go swimming.
24. Spend two minutes standing like Wonder Woman, no matter your gender.
25. Physically smile, even if you aren’t genuinely feeling it. Consciously pay attention to smiling as much as possible for a few hours (don’t tire out your face though!)
26. Dance to your favorite song.

Accomplish things:

27. Do one thing that you have been meaning to do.
28. Do a chore.
29. Do something related to your dream career.
30. Engage in a hobby.
31. Do something you know you are awesome at.
32. Take the time to do a really good job on your homework, instead of just getting it done. Feel free to Google the concepts, but make sure you know the material inside and out.
33. Exercise.
34. Go for a walk.
35. Do something that you hate to do (dishes, push ups, etc) and then congratulate yourself.
36. Clean your room.
37. Do something that your therapist would be proud of your for.
38. Do something that your parent would be proud of you for.
39. Do something that your best friend would be proud of you for.
40. Make a really well-thought-out Tumblr post about something you care about.
41. Start learning a new skill. Treat yourself with love, because no one is good at something right off the bat.
42. Make yourself or someone else a grounding item or a good luck charm. (Bracelet with a polished stone on it, homemade play-dough, etc)
43. Ask someone for the help that you need.
44. Have the courage to be totally terrible at something, and do it for an hour. (For me, this would be dancing.)

Remember that you are an awesome person:

45. Give someone a compliment.
46. Remember the last compliment you were given.
47. Help someone in your house do chores.
48. Help someone who you know is struggling with schoolwork that you’re good at.
49. Cook someone else a meal.
50. Talk to an old, dear friend who you may have fallen out of touch with.
51. Post a selfie to the internet.
52. Show a loved one how much you care.
53. Befriend someone new.
54. Call up a best friend.
55. Call up a romantic partner.
56. Call up a sexual partner.
57. Call a parent or guardian that believes in you and chat with them.
58. Use your number one best skill (writing, painting, computer programming, etc)
59. Take the time to think or write about the best experience you ever had.
60. Refuse, for an entire day, to compare yourself to anyone else. (If you find yourself doing it, accept that you had the thought, remind yourself that that is not today’s goal, and move on.)
61. Refuse, for an entire day, to say anything bad about yourself.
62. Refuse, for an entire day, to tell any lies.
63. Arrange to do volunteer work.
64. Hang up things you’ve accomplished around your bedroom (tests with good grades, etc).
65. Think of five of your good traits and think of ways to symbolize them; then put the representative pictures or objects somewhere that you can see them.
66. Take care of a pet.
67. Buy someone a present.

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