broken hearts anonymous

27 2 0

hi, my name is jaden
and i've been getting nudes from men for about a week now
and it's good, it's wonderful
but it isn't fulfilling, yknow?
like being told that your genitals are nice doesn't outweigh "you're attractive and i love you"
doesn't outweigh "you make me happy"
doesn't outweigh "you're wonderful"

it sucks because everyone around me is either in love or potentially in love
and i'm just here hoping someone just says my name differently in their mouth in a way that makes me seem appealing
it'd be nice to be told that i'm someone's everything
or that i'm good enough
but when i try to tell myself that
it's like self validation ran out in stores in a sale

i end every session with a hollowed carcass left on the side of I-90 and i'm crawling towards an exit but no one helps
they just ask
"when are we gonna do this again?"

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