Chapter 29

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Please don't hurt me? please don't kill me... please don't.... nope don't even imagine that abbie. no way is he going to r-ra. nope I can't even say it.

"Please don't hurt me. you've hurt me enough" I pleaded whilst following him. We were walking across a dark long hallway that was horrible and it had spider webs all up in the ceiling. it reminded me of a haunted house but just a lot more scarier.

"Just move!" he said. I was moving what's he jibber jabbling on about this time. I was going to speak up until he stopped, that's when my heart stopped to.

"It's in there princess" he said pointing to a small room with a bed inside. just a bed.

"W-what?" I asked nervously. he's going to r-ra. no still can't say it. this boy is sick and twisted.

"GET IN THERE" he yelled looking frustrated. I jumped a bit and walked in. he walked in after me and then shut the door. this is it.. I'm dead.

"Ple-please I'm begging, don't hurt me please" he started walking closer and closer towards me and then stopped right in front of me.

"Can't promise anything" he said before walking out and slamming the door behind him. leaving me in a freezing cold room with spiders, dirt and bad memories inside of it. all my worst things... someone kill me now! God knows what's happened in here... nope abbie DO NOT even think to imagine. just don't.

"No please, please don't hurt me!" I heard char screaming. she's in trouble and I'm in here not being able to do anything.

"Shut up and get in" it was just Nathan. he's probably trying to get Charlotte In another room but she's fighting back. Bless her, she's so strong she's probably pushed him over right now and he's begging for mercy. that makes me laugh.

"Abbie help!" I heard abbie shout.

"Charlotte?" I shouted.

"He hit me abbie and he's gone. he's gone somewhere. abbie he, he put me at gun point and said If I didn't shut up he'd shoot." I think me and char right now are so scared out of our brains to even think about anything at home.

"what did h-he do?" I asked while tears streaming down my face. if she dare says the 'r' word. I swear that when my jaw is betting I'm going to kill him.

"He punched me which made me fall to the floor. he started kicking my stomach and abbie I'm In so much pain. I feel like I'm going to die." That May have been the hardest thing I have ever heard. knowing that my best friend is probably about 10 metres away from me and I can't do anything about it. she can't die. she just can't.

"Char please listen to me, stay calm and strong. lay down and don't scrunch yourself up. stretch yourself out and don't move. if you scrunch yourself up, you will become stuff and weak and unable to move and that can't happen. because we are strong, yes, we don't give up this easily, we are brave and we can fight this together." god I felt so cheesy, but it's true. you can't give up on something that's hardly even started.

"Abbie, I can't. I'm in so much pain I can't move." oh god this was bad. really

Bad, this surely isn't happening. I can't lose her. she's the only .thing I have left. I can't loose my best friend.

"Char please stay strong for me. as soon as Nathan comes back I'm going to kill him. I promise" I shouted. maybe a bit to loud.

"No your not" Nathan stormed through the door.

"Nathan, please, don't please don't hurt me." I said and he just kept walking closer towards me. I tried to move away but because It was only a small room. I got stuck pretty quickly making Nathan able to come closer.... This was scary.

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