Chapter 14

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As soon as brad put his foot down I knew that we would be safe, I'm so glad we got out of there when we did or god knows what would of happened to us.

"WHO WAS THAT!?" I shouted to brad

"HOW AM I SUPPOSED TO KNOW! I'm just glad we went when we did or anything could of happened to us!" Brad said back to me.

"I'm worried brad, what if that thing was a lunatic psychopathic man that had a mental health problem with a knife in his hand!?" I said going a bit over the top!

"I'm am 100 percent sure that that thing was not a lunatic or a psychopathic man that had a mental health problem with a knife as his weapon! your minds just going crazy, honestly just forget what just happened you are safe now." He said trying to reassure me that it was nothing, he then kissed me on my forehead as he was driving.

Maybe brad was right my head at that point had gone insane, I kept thinking there were people running behind us and that every noise made me jump out of my skin.

When we got back to my house brad said goodbye to me and kissed me at the door but I made sure that my mum didn't see. I rushed him inside, I was now so scared that someone would run after us so I rushed him into my house.

For some reason I was really out of breath but I hadn't even gone any where we just went from brads car to my house which was only about two metres away. my mum came towards us and hugged me, she asked where every one else was as I told her that we went out with all of them, I didn't really know what to say and I looked at brad to see if he had any idea on what to say.

"Um well, we went out together to the park all of us but Jess and Tristan had to go, we dropped Charlotte and James home and then I wanted Abbie to be safe so I brought her home" he said and my mum actually believed him usually in situations like that she wouldn't but she actually did!

Thank you so much brad!

I asked him if he wanted to come up to my room quickly because my mum being my mum she was asking lots of questions that we couldn't answer and he said he would love to. when I got up into my room I completely forgot how messy It was! I hadn't really bothered to make my bed or hang clothes up or tidy up I'm general because I was annoyed and feeling down and upset. I really quickly made my bed, scooped all my clothes up and shoved them into the bathroom and I ran into the bedroom where brad was sitting on my bed.

"I'm so sorry, I forgot it was so messy!" I said walking over to the bed.

"It's fine honestly, I understand." brad said making me blush for no reason. we talked for an hour before I realised that it was almost 11:30 I felt really bad because brad was so tired and I didn't want him to fall asleep whilst driving. I asked him If he wanted to stay over.

"I know it's really late so I was wondering so you maybe want to sleep over, ill sleep on the sofa and you can sleep in my bed, or ill sleep on the floor" I asked him

"Of course I will, don't worry about just sleep next to me, the floor is too uncomfortable anyway, and the sofa isn't soft" he said

"Ok but wait I only have a single bed, I can't sleep in a single bed with you?" I asked

"Oh right yeah, um well I can squeeze If you, or I can sleep on the floor!"

"No, it's fine I'll squeeze it's way to uncomfortable anyway!" I said I was really nervous because in all honesty I was worried that brad will push me off the bed, and probably knowing my luck ill smash my knows on my table and end up breaking my nose!

"Ok then but I don't have any pjs" brad said and I chucked him my penguin onesie and he ran into the bathroom. I decided I would get changed really quickly in the bedroom before brad got back, I grabbed my pyjama shorts and my oversized baseball shirt. I managed to my shorts and but I then heard the door open in the bathroom just as I was putting my top on, luckily I made it and I quickly but on my long socks because my feet were really cold.

"Did you just get changed?" brad asked

"Yep! I'm really fast, it's like I can blink and I'm changed!" I said making brad laugh. I quickly ran downstairs got some snacks and then brushed my teeth.

By the time I got back, the light was off, brad looked like he was asleep and also he was taking up all the room, that's when I piled on top of him, waking him up and moving up, my plan worked!

"Abbie! couldn't you just walk round the bed instead of piling on top of me!" he said which made me laugh

"Well no because you were asleep and you were taking up all the room, so I guessed the only way you to make you move was to jump on you!" I said. brad then kissed me and went to sleep. I laid my head on the pillow and instantly fell asleep.


I woke up really late this morning with a huge headache, in the night I was pushed off the bed as I thought and smashed my head on the floor, brad quickly got up turned the light on and rushed over to me, oh and of course my nose was bleeding!

"I'm so sorry abs, are you ok?" brad said and I didn't reply, and my head was facing the floor. He then picked me up in bridal style and put me onto the bed.

"Ow, brad is my nose bleeding?" I asked and at this point my nose was numb so I had no idea how bad it was. I touched my nose realising how bad it was and I rushed to the bathroom and brad ran after me.

"It's ok, I'll help you, I'm so sorry" brad said I don't think he realised that when my nose bleeds it won't stop blessing for an hour! Also I was starting to get a bruise on my forehead.

"I feel dizzy, I don't like blood brad!" I said but I felt so dizzy that I sort of whispered.

"Omg abs your going pale!" he said and he picked my up and put me on the bed, he then ran downstairs to get some water and a tissue to wipe up the blood. by the time me and brad finally got to sleep it must of been at least 2, I really don't know how he is awake already.

When I got out of bed, I quickly put my hair up and then went into the kitchen to get a drink.

"I thought you would never get up!" my mum said, she must of not known that brad slept over because we went upstairs and didn't go back down again and when brad did my mum was asleep, he must of been in the shower.

"Yeah I fell out of bed last night and I have a huge headache, have you seen my sunglasses?" I asked and my mum looked confused.

"How did you fall out of bed and there over there, I'm off out in a minute ill be back at about 4pm, feel free to go out or people come to us. as Long if you text me where you are!" she said I didn't want to tell her the real reason I had fallen out of bed so I just said that thought the bed was bigger, I put on my sunglasses said goodbye to my mum and ran up the stairs when she left.

"BRAD ARE YOU UP HERE?" I shouted just if he couldn't hear me.

"YES I AM, are you ok, I'm really sorry about last night." he said and the bathroom door opened. Oh god I forgot to see how I looked this morning, I ran into my mums room to look in the mirror before brad could see me. I took my sunglasses off revealing the blood stain all over my face, also I had a huge bruise on my head from when I fell, in all honesty it looked like I had been beaten up!

"Abs where are you?" I heard brad said

"In my mums room, don't turn on the light a have a huge headache" I said and brad walked In, his eyes widened when he saw me.

"Abs why are you wearing sunglasses inside?" brad said confused. I told him I had a huge headache and then I showed him my forehead he felt really bad but I told him not to feel bad because its my fault for having the single bed.

I completely forgot that today I was seeing all the boys and Jess and Char today, we were all going to the beach as it was a hot day and I hadn't seen everyone in so long but I can't go looking like this!

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