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The Next Day

Liam POV

The sun was shining in my face and I knew it was time to get up. I couldn't help but smile knowing that May was coming over to my house today. I had many things to get ready for the pool party. I got out of bed and took a quick shower. Then I went downstairs and made some pancakes for the boys. I quickly finished up and decided it was time to wake up the boys so they could help me get the house and food ready for the party. I went upstairs and decided to go to Niall's room first, since he was the easiest to wake up. 

I walked into Niall's room and there were clothes laying all over the floor and in the far corner by the window was Niall. He was laying with his face on the side of the pillow and his butt was sticking in the air. I chuckled to myself as I approached the boy. "Niall! Wake up mate. It time to get up." I said softly while shaking him. "ughh... 5 more minutes mum." mumbled Niall. "Haha Niall. I have pancakes waiting for you downstairs." I replied. In an instant Niall was up and happily sitting on his bed. "Oy Liam! Why didn't you wake me up sooner mate!" he said running out of his room. Boy he really loved food.

Next up was Louis. I walked into his room and his room was surprisingly clean on his shelf there were cans of crazy string. He better not be spraying that on me. I went over to Louis and did the same as I did with Niall. I shook him by the shoulders and told him to wake up. "Louis wake up. You need to help me set up for our pool party later." I said. Louis stirred in his sleep but sat up and rubbed his eyes. "I'm up Liam. Let a guy get ready first will ya?" I walked out the room and decided that between Harry and Zaynn, Harry was the harder one to wake up. 

So Zayn was next. I walked into his room and immediately, I saw many hair products and hair brush in front of his mirror. I laughed at him. "Zayn wake up. It's time to get up." I said getting impatient. I tried to wake him up but it didn't work, so I went into his bathroom. I got a bucket full of water and walked back to his bed and dumped the whole bucket of cold water on him. "What the hell! Liam what did you do that for mate! You ruined my hair." yelled Zayn running into his bathroom.

Lastly was Harry. I went into Harry's room and looked on the floor I saw a pile of his clothes and a women's underwear. I sighed and knew immediately that he had gone to a bar and picked up one of those girls. I looked at Harry sadly from the door, wondering why Harry became like this. He wasn't the same Harry that I met when we met at X-Factor. In fact he started to become like this when he met this girl there. They started to hang out, went on few dates, became an item. 

I could tell he really loved her, but she was cruel and broke Harry. That's must be the reason Harry is like this. He never talk to any of us boys about his problems, he kept it all inside of him. I sighed again and closed the door deciding that he would wake up when he wanted to with the girl. I went downstairs and saw the other boys sitting at the table eating pancakes while joking around. Niall on the other hand was stuffing his face with whipped cream and pancakes.

"Hey Liam! Morning!" were yelled towards me as I walking with food and sat down to eat. "So boys as you all know we have a pool party today. So we have to get everything ready food and drinks. And we might as well clean the house a bit, since we have guests coming." I told the boys. "Whose coming?" said a shirtless and a pantless Harry. It was quite normal for us to see him like this, at least he was wearing his boxers.

"Remember I told you last night, I met this girl and I invited her and her friend to come today." I replied looking at all the boys. "Please don't do anything stupid around her." I said sternly. They all continue eating but I saw on Harry's face was a smirk. "Harry don't try anything on my friend. She isn't like one of those girls you bring home everyday. So don't try anything." I told him. He angrily yell, "What's that suppose to mean?! Huh!? You think I'm some manwhore that has sex everyday?!?!" "Harry you know thats not what I meant. I just don't was you to hurt the girl.

She was nice and sweet. I think I really liker her even though we just met yesterday. I couldn't stop thinking about her since I bumped into her." I replied calmly. "Don't worry Liam. She probably won't even be my type anyway." He said. "Alright time to get ready for the party! Louis, Harry and Niall why don't you guys buy some food for our party. Niall please don't eat the food on the way home. Oh and don't forget to get drinks. Zayn and I will stay here and clean up a bit. The party starts at 12PM. So we've got a couple hours so get everything ready." I told everyone. They all nodded their heads and got to work. Now I just need to text May. I got my phone out and began texting May.

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