Chapter 11

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As Jack and I are dancing slowly, I feel his hand slip down my waist and onto my arse, squeezing my arse. Creep.

"So, you and Brad are becoming a thing?" Jack asks me.

"Yeah." I answer simply. I don't want to be giving him too much information about myself, he doesn't seem trustworthy.

"I don't think you should be going out with him. As soon as he sees another girl he will drop you like a piece of rubbish." Jack says the words harshly and I know they aren't true, but it upsets me to think of Brad doing that.

"I know he seems like the perfect guy now, but I'm warning you." Jack says as we turn in time to the music.

"See look now." He says, nodding towards the couch where a girl has taken place next to Brad. She leans toward him, but he moves away quickly and I smile.

"Thats Jessica. They used to fool around all the time, back in the day." I cringe at Jack's words of Brad fooling around with other girls.

"Looks like she wants something now as well." The girl is stroking Brad's arm but he quickly jumps up and shouts at her. She begins to walk towards him, backing him into a wall. He shouts again and again and I know he doesn't want this, but she leans towards him, her eyes shut.

"You're just another game to him, another girl he wants to hook up with and drop. You mean nothing to him." Jack's words are hurtful and I try my best to not believe them, but he is so convincing.

"I can't do this." I pull away from our stance and walk towards what looks like a bathroom.

"Alli!" Brad's voice calls from behind me, but I keep walking, Jack hot on my tail. Before I know it, I am running. I swing open the door to the bathroom and Jack follows me in, closing it behind me.

"Leave me alone, Jack. You've said enough." I turn to face the wall and I feel cold hands running up my thigh.

"Jack, what are you doing?" I say, pushing his hand away and turning to face him.

"You are a pretty one, aren't you?" Jack whispers, grabbing my hands and forcing me against the wall. I try to shout for Brad, but Jack covers my mouth with his hand and shakes his head in warning.

"I have a knife in my back pocket that I can whip out whenever I like." Jack warns, laughing slightly.

"What are you going to do to me?" I ask, scared as hell. I have been in these situations before, but this time it caught me more off guard.

"I'm going to fuck your brains out." He says, cackling and I slap him across the face with my free hand.

"You fucking bitch. You're gonna pay for that one." Jack hisses, beginning to kiss my lips as his hand trails up my thigh again, moving my underwear to the side.

I wince as he begins to touch me roughly and disrespectfully. His lips move from my lips to my jawline to my neck as his fingers push in harder, and I almost scream out in pain.

"DONT FUCKING TOUCH HER!" Brad's voice booms from the door. Jack forces his fingers in harshly one last time before Brad throws a punch to his face.

"What, Bradley, don't like your girlfriend kissing other people?" Jack smirks at a fuming Brad as he returns to kissing me, forcing himself onto me harder. I try and scream but my voice won't work, so I cry instead.

"DONT FUCKING TOUCH HER! LEAVE BEFORE I CAVE YOUR SKULL IN!" Brad shouts again, kicking Jack in his ballsack and punching him in the jaw, knocking him to the ground.

Mine (Brad Simpson) {IN EDITING}Where stories live. Discover now