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She was sitting on a metal chair, surrounded by all the other teenagers who's birthday calls for today. She's picking at her nail polish, a nervous habit she acquired over the years. She was trying to concentrate on that and only that. Like most other fifteen year olds, she was terrified - terrified about the operation.

Sometimes it doesn't work correctly. Sometimes the operation doesn't go as planned and the almost sixteen year old becomes brain dead or sometimes even dead. Other times the teenager becomes mentally ill - becomes psycho. These are some of the many scenarios that can occur during the implantations.

Though on the rare occasion, the operation can cause a rather good change. Robert Hunt, this man was operated and soon after had the ability to sense natural disaster, kind of like an animal. Other scenarios have occurred where the child claims to have become precog. Children that claim this mysteriously disappear and are sometimes found dead. Though, this claim occurs on a rare occasion and the reason to the disappearance is not known.

Society has every child have this chip implanted at the age of sixteen, it's mandatory. The consequences if you choose not to show up are severe. When you have a child, you are given the day, time and hospital where the child is scheduled to be operated. This is scheduled to be the exact day and time when you are born, only sixteen years into the future.

"Holland Walker." The nurse coldly says. She had to skip lunch today because of the abundance of patients today. Usually, she's nice to all the teenagers knowing how nervous they are, but today she is cranky, causing all of the doctors to become cranky as well.

Holland slowly gets up from the metal chair; all eyes are glued onto her. He legs wobble as she makes her way to the window where the nurse is standing behind. "Room number B-035" The nurse says, slipping Holland a wristband from the small whole on the clear glass wall that separates the nurses from the teenagers. The hospital makes it look as if the teenagers were severely ill and will spread the disease easily. "Show this to the doctor." The curly haired lady says. Holland nods, sliding the wristband from the small whole and clutching it at her side as if she was holding on for dear life.

She looks left, the letter 'B' was boldly written on the wall next to the Metal door. Holland walks down the small area where there was no chairs located. Her legs wobbled with every step she took. She looked like a fragile china doll. She pushed the door open and quickly slipped inside. The metal door closed behind her creating an echo to form down the large hallway.

The walls were white, and so were the doors to every room. It was strangely quiet. Holland scurried down the hall, looking on the odd side on the hall of room 35.

Holland took a deep breath, knowing that in minutes she would be unconscious and being operated on. She was reaching for the door knob, the door being pulled open before she had the chance of even touching the shiny handle. "Why hello Ms. Walker." The doctor smiled. He was tall and looked like he was in his mid thirties, a young doctor Holland thought, this only making her become even more nervous then she already was.

"Hello." Holland says, her voice cracking slightly.

"Do come in." He says, motioning with his hand for her to step inside the bright room. She obeys. The doctor had a bit of facial hair, and was dressed in a white doctors uniform while having a white surgical mask around his neck. "Please lay on the platform." The doctor says, his eyes darting to the metal almost table.

Holland slowly makes her way to the platform, her hands sweating. The doctor puts on a new pair of gloves. She lays down. "Today we will be implanting your chip." The doctor says, repeating everything Holland already knows.

She opens her mouth to say something, but can't seem to talk. The doctor drags a small table next to Holland. She takes a peek to the table, regretting it immediately because it only made her more nervous then she already was, if that was even possible. It had a large needle and several different surgical knifes lying there. She tightly shuts her eyes. She hears the pitter patter of the doctors footsteps with every step he takes.

The doctor pulls open a filing cabinet, pulling out her file. He quickly reads it over. He takes a tall chair and places it to the right of Holland. He pulls out a small bag from the file, placing it on the table. This bag consists of her chip and the dosage of anesthetic that is needed for her body size.

"Okay Holland, I need you to sit up for me." The doctor says to Holland as he tears open the bag.

She sits up, her eyes still screwed shut. "I am about to give you a small shot on your neck. This shot will cause you to sleep for just enough time for me to do the operation. This might sting a bit." She nods in response.

"On the count of three." The doctor finishes screwing the needle shut. "One." He cleans the area where the needle will be injected."Two." The doctor says, Placing the needle on her neck applying a bit of pressure, "Three." He sticks the needle inside of her skin, causing a small shriek to escape from her lips. He pulls it out, cleaning the small wound with a bit of alcohol, causing it to sting even more. Holland holds in the tears that are on the verge of escaping her eyes.

"Please lie down now, you only have a few minutes before you fall asleep." Holland lies down, sticking her face into the small hole. The doctor pulls her hair out of the way, his fingertips lightly brushing against her neck .

"Holland, please count to ten out loud."

"One." She says, her eyes wide open.

"Two", they close slightly.

"Three." The room starts to spin.

"Four." Her brain starts to get a little fuzzy.

"Five." Her eyes shut.

"Six." Her body relaxes now.

"Seven." She whispers, fighting to stay awake.

"Eight." She mutters, not being able to hold on much longer.

"Nine." She mumbles, barely being able to move her lips.

"Ten." Her mind goes blank.

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