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Holland smiles, zipping her bag up, but leaving her Nook out.

"Where are ya heading to?" They boy asked as he started pressing buttons on the little screen located in front of his seat.

"Los Angels."

"Same." Scott says, his focus on the screen.

"Well this is a round trip."

The boy blushes lightly "right" he says, his eyes darting to Holland and back to the Screen.

He's scrolling through all the options, trying to find a program he would enjoy.

Holland nods her head, chuckling lightly under her breath. She unlocked her nook and went straight to her Library, finding the book she bought especially for this trip. 538 pages of pure romance and Action.

"We will be taking off in a few minutes, buckle in your seatbelt and leave the tray up." The flight attendant says.


Holland pulls opens her window, the beautiful colors and swirls reflect in her eyes. She watches outside in awe, it is her first time in a plane. She stares out in amazement at the world below her. Everything is so small, it creates a beautiful illusion.

She gasps at the pretty landscape below her. "Pretty huh?" A deep voice said. She sits back down and turns her head.

"Yes, it's beautiful." Holland says with a Toothy grin on her face.

"I remember the first time I was on a plane."

Holland watches him with curious eyes. Scott looks and continues, "I was five, I remember I would run down the isles of the plane until my mom could catch up to me." Scott stares out the window "I would yell every time my mom Caught me, I would tell her to put me down and let me play." He smiles at the memory. "The flight attendant was really hot too." He smirks.

"Did You hit on her?"

"I remember I said, hey, if you aren't doing anything tonight maybe you could come to my place and we can play with some legos" she laughs, "hey, I was five and I repeated everything I heard from the movies ok."

Holland chuckles, "so did I but I didn't hit on a flight attendant."

Scott rolls his eyes. "Your turn?"

"What do you mean?"

"I mean, tell me about the first time you were on a plane?"

"Well, I was nineteen and I was sitting next to this boy."

"Tell me about this boy." Scott says, staring into Hollands eyes.

"Well he was very kind, and blushed a lot."

"Hey! I don't blush a lot."

"Who said I was talking about you?"Scott tried analyzing the situation for a good comeback, but failed miserably.

He quickly changed the subject. "Are you from London?" He asked.

"Yeah. I'm guessing you aren't."

"Why would you guess that?" The boy said, acting as if he took offense to what she said.

"The American accent gave it away."

"God damn it! I should've known."

Holland giggles, "why are you in London?"

"I was visiting a friend that moved here."

"What's his name I might know him."


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