Chapter 3: First Meeting

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Dustin's (P.O.V.)

I had the weirdest dream..a nightmare. I couldn't remember quite how it went. There were wolves and running, I remember running scared, afraid to stop. Snarling and slight pain filled my senses. Oh and there was a hot chick, yeah. A babe with red hair and no clothes. Maybe it was a good dream after all.

I groaned as the dream slipped away again and sound entered my ears, deep growling and shuffling. I drew my thick, dark eyebrows together and willed my eyes open. As soon as I did I wished I hadn't, the glaring light that filled my eyes made my corneas hurt. I groaned again and rolled over, using my muscular arms to lift myself up into a sitting position. I peeked at the world through the filter of my black eyelashes and the light didn't hurt as much this time.

"What the hell?" I growled, finally able to take in the cement floor beneath me with a drain in the center. There were barred windows with no glass that were half the size of regular windows and high up. The room was bare with cement walls like the floor and one metal door at the far side by the left corner.

"Damn, it was about time you woke up." I turned to my right where the two windows didn't quite illuminate and caught the silhouetted form of Riley, the other Rogue I'd met up with in my travels, hunched over in the dark. I'd been traveling with this crazy chick Lexy that wouldn't leave me alone because she was small and needed my protection, then we'd picked up Riley because he said he could lead us to a pack that would take Lexy in. I could care less about what Lexy did, but anything to get her off my back, so I'd let Riley show us the way.

"What happened?" I asked, trying to stand up, but there was a nauseating ache between my legs that made me decide against it. I frowned and closed my eyes as I tried to remember.

"We ran into a new pack's borders, they weren't here when I made the journey from the Thunder Creek's pack territory before." Riley tried to explain, coming a little hesitantly out into the light. He had a cocky grin on his face, but we could both tell he was scared of me. My wolf was a good two times bigger than his would every be and I'd made sure he would never forget it.

"What do you mean? Where's Lexy?" I snarled, annoyed that he wasn't really telling me anything. the ache in my crotch was going away now that I was awake and my rejuvinated healing powers kicked in.

"Dude, don't you remember? Lexy got killed by a wolf from their pack, they caught us and some chick punched you in the nuts and knocked you out. I think we're back at their pack house." Riley supplied, his face a little concerned. I'd been beaten as a pup, so my healing didnt work the way it should, I was repairing the blow inflicted to the side of my head as we talked. When Riley finished speaking I suddenly got it, everything rushing back into clarity. That dream wasn't a dream.

"Shit, what am I going to do? I'm a beast, not one of those prissy wolves up there that live in a pack house and follow orders." I snarled in frustration. The aching in my body finally subsided and I shakily came to my feet, stumbling my way to the heavy steel door with a determined ferocity in my blue eyes.

"Tried that already," Riley said in a bored voice as though my lack of creativity was draining his energy. I growled deeply in my throat in response, daring him to stop me from trying. He didn't say anything else. I was in black jeans and a grey undershirt whith wide straps and no sleeves. I set my thick, tattooed arms against the bare metal and heaved all the weight I could muster into the shivering frame. Although it rattled when I started to slam against it, it held firm. I roared in annoyance and whirled on Riley.

"Shift and try to break this door down with me!" I yelled.

"You're the bigger wolf, why don't you just shift and do it yourself?" He said in a tone that made me think of wrapping my canines around his jugular.

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