Chapter 10: Pierce's Room

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(Dustin's P.O.V.)

The little blond kid and Riley followed after us as I clung to Blair. She was freaked out by something, I could tell. She was gripping my side too hard and I could feel her nails digging into my skin, but I didn't say anything. She had picked up the pace and I was struggling to keep up. She whipped us around a corner and dragged me toward a very long flight of stairs. she was trying to kill me.

Suddenly she stopped just before the first step and I exhaled in relief. "Chase, Pierce is coming." Blair said with a hint of force in her voice. The little Omega snapped to attention.

"I've got it." He said and turned to race back the way we'd come, but I saw him look longingly at Riley just before. Riley didn't seem to notice, or just didn't care.

"Come on," Blair said, interrupting my thoughts on the relationship of Riley and Chase. "Chase will buy us some time, but we need to get you into some clothes ASAP." She said, tugging me toward the staircase before us. I resisted and grabbed the railing for support. Now that I didn't have to keep up a front for her silly pack members, I let my lack of physical strength show. My skin was even more pale than usual and my breathing was slightly labored, my body felt weightless. "Crap, Dustin, we have to get up there." She ran her hand through her long red pony tail in frustration.

"It's ok." I said, withdrawing my arm from her shoulders and letting the dark, wood railing support my weak body. "I can take Pierce, I'll just tell him I beat you up and got away." Blair gave me a stern look, but her mouth was slightly smiling and her eyes sparkled with amusement.

"Yeah right. You look like hell, and you beat me up?" I chuckled and adjusted my position.

"Stranger things have happened." we were interrupted as we could suddenly hear the distant voices of Chase and Pierce arguing down the hall. Blair's eyes widened and her smile disappeared.

"Oh my gosh stop freaking out." Riley all of a sudden said behind me, reminding me of his presence. I rolled my eyes and was about to make a cheeky comment when I was suddenly lifted into the air and thrown over Riley's tan, scarred shoulder.

"The hell? Let go of me Riley," I hissed with all the remaining alpha I had in me going into my voice. He flinched, but still held onto me. I growled and pounded my fists into his back, his muscles flexed against the force, but I was nothing in the way of physical strength right now. Tilikon was too upset with me to offer his assistance either. Riley grunted as I slammed my foot into his hard abs, once again not as good without shoes.

"Please stop." Riley grunted and I snarled at his politeness.

"Come on, we haven't got a lot of time." Blair said and my head snapped back as Riley began to bound up the stairs two at a time. The obvious amusement in her voice angered me into silence. I was mortified. Ex-Alpha and too weak to walk up some stairs. Riley and Blair were enjoying this too I could tell. Damn them. I was limp in Riley's grasp and I could feel him adjusting his arm over my legs to keep me from slipping off. I really wanted some clothes right now.

"Alright, this way." Blair said when we finally reached the top. I began to slip down Riley's chest so I could walk on my own down the hall, but Riley hefted me back onto his shoulder and kept jogging roughly after Blair.

"I can walk now." I grunted with storm clouds rolling off of my voice. Riley just snickered and kept going. I thought about sinking my teeth into his arrogant shoulder, but something made me stop. Probably the goodness of my heart.

"Ok, this one." Blair said finally, and I impatiently began to slide down Riley's chest again. He released me this time and instead of dismounting proudly, I fell to the ground in a sloppy display of barely-used legs. Just before I fell completely though Riley put his tan, scarred arm around my bare waist and pulled me up again into his broad, t-shirt clad chest. Just like a girl.

"Dustin," he said, whispering my name huskily so Blair couldn't hear. I couldn't handle this right now.

"Thanks." I snarled and stepped roughly away from him so I could lean into Blair. I purposefully breathed down her neck too so she'd blush. Riley shifted uncomfortably in the doorway, arm still curled like he was holding my ghost.

"Um, Chase probably needs me." He said gruffly, clearing his throat before turning and leaving us.

"Uh yeah." Blair managed, but he was already gone. "What was-"

"Come on, I need clothes." I interrupted. I didn't want to talk about Riley. It was a long story and it required a quiet moment.

"Oh-ok" Blair stumbled before opening the door and letting us in. It was big. A full floor-to-cieling window dominated most of one wall and a king sized bed lay plush and inviting against another. But what I noticed most were the clothes, folded freakishly neat in the open closet. Men's clothes.

"I thought we were going to your room?" I questioned her, hesitant to enter the room now.

"I had a change of plan, this is more convenient." She pulled me in and closed the door behind us. She let me guide myself around by leaning against the walls as she quickly crossed the room to find me some clothes in the spacious closet.

"Whose room is this?" I asked her. I'd quickly scanned the room for personal items that would tell me, but it was the same as the closet. Freakishly neat. devoid of personal tastes like a hotel room.

"Uh..." She began over her shoulder with a nervous laugh in her voice. She pulled out a generic black sleeveless hoodie and tight, dark blue jeans with a pair of grey briefs. She folded them over her arm before turning and walking over to me. Her face was strained.

"Whose." I demanded this time. She smiled apologetically and handed me the clothes.

"It's Pierce's," she said. I raised my dark eyebrows and breathed in through my teeth. Damn.

"There's a bathroom in there." She said, quickly changing the subject. I followed where her finger pointed to the open door that lead into a dark, white tiled room. I shook my head with a slight smile on my lips before shakily pushing off the wall and taking the few steps there myself.

I changed quickly before using the bathroom and running my hands through my hair. I was hot. Hey, just a fact. My pale, muscled arms were exposed up to the shoulder in the hoodie and my tattoos stood out like inky black vines that were trying to embrace me. I looked rugged and dangerous. My cut jaw had a light dusting of stubble, that was new. My blue eyes looked crazy bright in all my dark clothes. Blair had given me a haircut and it wasn't bad. The sides were really short and the top was left longer and swooped to one side. I smiled and turned the light off before stepping out to were Blair waited.

I was going to devour her.

(sorry its crappy, the next will be better I swear! Oh and please read my other book, Blue Eyes. Thank you!!!!)

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