Chapter 4: Breaking Him

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Blair's (P.O.V.)

I saw him coming and a smile spread to my lips. He looked stunning, dirty and unkempt, but stunning. His white teeth were sharp and his mouth was spread wide to bite into the soft flesh of my neck, his piercing blue eyes held a ferocity that was thrilling, and his lightly tanned muscles bulged. His thick, black hair was sticking out like bedhead and coated in mud. I could tell he was gorgeous, but you couldnt really see it because of the layer of filth on his face and body.

I recovered my concentration and ducked to the side before his hands or teeth could grab me. He didn't expect it and flew past me, slamming into the cement wall and cracking it. There was only earth behind it, so I wasn't worried about him escaping. He turned and roared in frustration at me, pieces of rubble fell from his hair and somehow it didn't have quite the effect on me he was hoping for. I grinned and lowered my body in preparation, my wolf, Jakaari (juh-car-ee), rumbled in my head, ready to take on this arrogant stray.

He snarled and charged at me again, I went to dodge him, but he expected it this time and held his hand out, ripping a small handful of my red hair out as I pulled free of his grasp. He sneered and let the hair fall through his fingers. I reached up a hand to where my scalp stung and pulled it away again, there was blood on my fingers. Jakaari howled in rage in my head and I growled dangerously at his smirking face. He was incredibly strong, and I knew if he caught me I would die for sure, but I was smaller and more agile, so if I could throw in enough hits without getting caught I could win. All I needed to do was beat him and force him to present his stomach to me in a sign of submission, then even the Godess couldn't deny he belonged to me.

"It's a shame I have to kill such a beautiful girl." He purred, making me scoff in disgust.

"Excuse me, I believe this is a fight, not a poorly attempted hook up." He snickered at that.

"Yeah yeah, but it really is too bad you believe in being with your true mate, I think we could have had fun." He winked and my wolf bristled. our mate was going to be someone we loved with all our being, how dare he mock our desire to solely belong to them. I roared and threw myself at him, knocking the wind out of him as I smashed into his ribs. I was satisfied with the cracking sound that followed. I quickly realised that I was too close now and started to run away when he swung his fist into my mouth. I yelped and scrambled to my feet so I was on the other side of the room. My lip was split open and I spat out some blood that leaked into my mouth.

"Oh sorry." He mocked. I snarled, sure my teeth were lined with my own blood. I was careless, at this rate he would be presenting my cold body to Jake and a challenge to kill him for it. I wiped my mouth with the sleeve of my hoodie as I felt my lip close up. Little wounds like that heald quickly. I studied the way he held himself, favoring one side and taking shallow breaths, he hadnt healed his ribs yet. I smirked, so the beast had a weakness. I balled my hands into fists and let Jakaari enter my body, her power flowed into my veins and I felt my teeth and nails elongate, my eyes turning a brighter green like spring leaves in the woods surrounding the pack house.

I waited until he ran at me then fainted to the side like I was going to dodge, he reached his arm out just like I wanted and I turned on the balls of my feet and raked my nails that were now claws down his exposed chest, deep as I could from his pectoral muscles down to his waist. I then bent my knees and rolled out of his reach. He let out an animalistic howl of pain and anger that rattled my bones, his thin undershirt was torn to pieces and fell away from his tattooed muscles to expose his heart stopping body. His jeans were riding low on his hips from all the lunges and hits he'd taken. I bit my tongue and tried to focus as the gashes I'd made bled freely down his hard skin.

"Wow, you even like to use your nails, mmm, I'm gonna hate to kill you." He hissed through his teeth, still trying to be obnoxiously vulgar while in agony.

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