The Way Things Are

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(Y/N)'s pov (You're 17, almost 18) 

I wince as another round of yells lets out of my parents' mouths. That's all they really do anymore. They seem fine one moment, then something sets them off and they yell at each other for hours on end. I usually sneak out of my window and go the my friend Avery's (Me :D) house. She seems to be the only one that really cares. The only one that truly cares at least. Other people around and at school act like they care, but I know they don't. I notice downstairs is quiet for the moment. I doubt it will stay that way though. I didn't want to stick around to find out though. They wouldn't notice if was gone anyway so I opened my window, climbed onto and down the tree next to my window, and I headed to Avery's house. I texted her that I was on my way. She answered back immediately saying that she would set up her Xbox, PC, and laptop for some 'well needed' gameplay. She's a youtuber with nearly two million subscribers. I always thought it was kinda funny. She wanted for the longest time to play video games for a living and definitely got her wish. I got to her house and knocked on the door. Being the person she is, answered the door right away. She smiled and opened the door for me. She lives on her own in a little two bedroom house about three blocks away. We sat down on her couch and talked for a while. About how school was going for me, and about how her Youtube career was holding up. While I didn't really want to talk about school, I did. I knew I could trust her, she was the closest thing to family I had. I had been getting bullied. Though I ignored most of it, some of it stuck and lingers in my mind from time to time. I remember their words vividly. Saying no one cared about me, no one would miss me. I wince slightly and look away. 'I hope she didn't notice that'

Avery's pov  (Age: 19)

I was talking to (Y/N), when I noticed pain in her eyes and she looked away. I gently set my hand on her shoulder. ¨What did they say to you?¨ She looked at me and hesitantly answered. ¨That no one cared, and that no one would miss me...¨ I pull her into a hug. ¨That will never be true. I will always care, and I will always be here for you.¨ She hugs me back tightly and cries lightly into my hoodie. After a little while I pick her head up. ¨Lets go play some games, the boys should be online.¨ She laughs lightly. ¨You only want to talk to Luke again.¨ I laugh and pull her to my office. ¨No my dear, that is merely a bonus to making you smile.¨ She loves to tease me about Luke, or better known as CaRtOoNz. We had met about a year ago when we were playing on a public Dead By Daylight server. We exchanged skypes and dated a few months later and have been together ever since. I hand her my laptop and a spare headset and we start up Rainbow Six Siege. After setting everything up I decided we should record a video together. (Y/N) didn't want to show her face, so only recorded her voice with an extra mic I never really use anymore. I invited Luke, Ohm, and Bryce into our server. They popped up a few minutes later and invited me into their Skype call. I joined and immediately was greeted by the three guys. ¨Hey guys. Ready to play?¨ With a chorus of 'yeahs'from both the boys and (Y/N) we started. They then noticed I wasn't alone. ¨Hey Avery, who's that with you?¨ Luke asks. ¨Oh yeah! Guys this is the friend i've told you about.¨ Ohm was the first to greet her. ¨Nice to meet you...?¨ ¨(Y/N)¨ She says, answering. ¨Nice to meet you, (Y/N)¨ He says. Luke was next to greet her. ¨Finally! I can put a face to a name.¨ He laughs and continues. ¨Anyway, It is very nice to meet you.¨ Bryce then greets her. ¨It's nice to m-meet you (Y/N).¨  I raised an eyebrow at that, and then a devilish smile appeared on my face. 'Seems like someone has a crush...'

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