Christmas Time

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Alright my lovelies this is going to be a little ways into the future. A little sneak peek if you will :3 Btw picture above is your outfit, change it if you want I just thought it was cute lol.

(Y/N)'s pov
'Wow. It's already almost Christmas again' I laugh as I get ready for Avery's party. After putting on my beanie and coat I headed out of my apartment towards Avery's new home. (Like I said glimpse into the future) As I was walking I got a text from my lovely Bryce.
*Bryce: I'll be a little late but I'll be there as soon as I can. Love you ❤.*
I blushed as I read it. We've been together nearly a year and it still feels like a dream. I reach Avery's house a couple minutes later. It's a large two story house with a big backyard. I smile as head up to the door and knock. The door opens less than a minute later and I'm dragged inside by my energetic best friend. "It's so good to see you again!" Avery says and hugs me tight. 'Its only been about two weeks' I laugh at my thoughts and hug back just as tight. She pulls away and looks around confused. "Where's Bryce?" I smile a little and shrugged. "I'm not sure. He said he'd be here as soon as he can be though." She nods and walks over to our group of friends that had joined us for the holiday while waving her hand, silently telling me to follow her. When we reach the others they all greet me warmly, asking me how I've been and how life's been treating me. I look around and notice Luke wasn't here. 'Odd.' I thought to myself as I talk with my friends. I hear a knock at the door. "I'll get it!" I hear Avery yell out.

Avery's pov
'That must be Bryce and Luke' I thought to my self as I head to the door. Once there I open the door and low and behold Luke and Bryce are standing in the cold. I smile warmly "Are you just going to stand there or do you want to come in?" They laugh as I move and let them in. "Everything set up?" Luke asks as we move to the living room. "Yeah, just got to set things into motion." I reply as I grab a karaoke machine my cousin got me for my birthday one year, knowing that I loved to sing. "Good. I'm going to go say hi to everybody, just tell me when you're ready." He says, giving me a quick kiss. I nod and got to work setting up the machine. 'Bryce isn't the only one with a surprise' I giggle to myself and finish setting up quickly. I stand up and walk to the kitchen where everyone was talking and snacking on food I had made earlier with the help of my darling husband. I walk up to Luke and hug him while whispering in his ear. 'Everything is set up and ready to go' He nods and looks at Bryce. The poor boy looked so nervous. 'I don't blame him though' Tonight was going to be a big night. "Alright guys, who's ready for some karaoke?" I ask our group of friends. Most ever one yelled out in agreement and we headed into the living room. After a few song Bryce noticeably got more nervous and (Y/N) saw this and asked him about it. He smiled at her to reassure her that he was fine.' 'They're perfect for each other' I thought to myself as I glanced at our large and decorated tree in the corner of the room. Under said tree was a gift that would change our lives forever, and I was scared. There were many ways that scenario could play out, and I could only pray that it would be a good one. As Willow finished her turn singing she walked back over to her boyfriend Tyler. 'Another perfect match' I laugh softly to myself. I feel Luke nudge me. "You feel like singing?" I nod as I walk up and grab a microphone.

(Sorry if you don't like the song choice, change it or ignore it if you want)
I finish the song and hear my friends clapping for me. I laugh and hand the mic to Bryce. "Go for it" I whisper to him and walk back over to Luke.

Bryce's pov
I let out a shaky breath and hold up the mic. "This is for my special girl, my (Y/N)." I smile at her as she gasps.

I finish breathless but smiling the whole time. With shaky steps I walk over to the love of my life and reach for the small box that will change everything. As I take out the box I kneel in front of (Y/N). She gasps and looks at me with tear filled eyes and a wide smile and suddenly all my doubt and fear goes away. "(Y/N) (L\N), will you make me the happiest man on this whole earth...and marry me?" I say tearing up as well. She looks at me and nods quickly. "Yes" She's says while starting to cry "Yes! Yes! Yes! A million times yes!" I hug her tight as I hear our friends cheering and clapping for us. I pull away from her slightly so I could slip the ring onto her finger and then kiss her. "As perfect as this moment is we may want to continue the party." I hear Tyler say. I chuckle and grab my fiance's hand and lead her to one of the couches to sit down. As the rest of the group follows I notice Avery had a camera with her, while showing Luke something on said camera. 'Did she record all of that?' I smile at the thought. 'She is always prepared' I laugh softly and kiss (Y/N)'s head. She smiles and lays her head on my shoulder. 'Tonight is perfect'

Avery's pov
'Alright. One surprise out of the way, time for mine.' I thought to myself, growing nervous. 'Calm down Avery. Everything will be fine.' I reassure myself as I start handing out everyone's gifts. Once all gifts were given to their rightful owners we started unwrapping them. I had one saved away, so it was the last opened. Once all gifts were unwrapped and 'thank yous' were passed around. I got up to get the special present. Once I returned I handed Luke his final present of the evening. He looked at me confused but took the gift. "What's this, babe?" I smiled softly. "Open it and find out." Still looking confused he slowly open the rather small present and his eyes widened and he slowly lifted an ultrasound picture I had gotten early this week. "'re....This is real..?" He said choking up. I smiled softly him, happy tears filling my eyes. "Yes baby. You're going to be a dad." He quickly stood up and hugged me tight and spun me in a few circles. "This is amazing!" He yelled as our friends cheered and congratulated us. I smiled wide and kissed his forehead while he slowly lowered me to the ground. "This is the greatest gift I could have ever asked for" He whispers and he put his forehead against mine. "Merry Christmas" I whisper.

And done. That concludes my Christmas special! I hope you guys have lovely holidays and grand new years.

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