Tagged Again

550 19 7

Here goes nothing lol.

1. I absolutely love YouTubers. My favoites being CaRtOoNz, Bryce Games, Ohmwrecker, and H2O Delirious.

2. I listen to music more than most people lol. Sad but true.

3. While I don't think I can sing well my boyfriend begs to differ.

4. I'm rather short. Being only 5'1"

5. I have a very short temper with most things and people. Besides my friends and some family.

6. I like to read/write reader inserts for YouTubers but hate ships between them. Don't really know why, I just do.

7. In four days I'll be celebrating five amazing months with my boyfriend.

8. I'm not really the most mentally stable person lol. Jk I'm just weird.

9. I have hazel eyes, though they're mostly green.

10. I may do a face reveal soon. If wanted at least. Though I warn you I'm ugly lol.

11. I'm graduating soon and I may be able to finally meet my boyfriend. Long distance sucks but it's worth it. (sorry I talk about him a lot lol. Just really love this boy)

12. I'm thinking of starting a new story once I finish I Will Be There.

13. My real name isn't Avery~ (though I kinda wish it was lol)
And that concludes this tag lol. Thank you Mini_Mystical_Cat for tagging me. I'm not going to tag anyone else for this though lol. Hope you enjoyed getting to know me a little better I'll see you guys later!

Also before I go. Thank you to this lovely who spammed me tonight. I'm glad you've enjoyed!

 I'm glad you've enjoyed!

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