A Rough Night

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Luke's pov

After (Y/N) went home and Avery went to pick up Willow I sat in the living room thinking about Pax. Though I had just officially met (Y/N) a few hours, I was worried about her. Avery said her home life wasn't the best...what did she mean by that? I'll just ask her later, when she gets home at least. I haven't seen Willow for a while I wonder how she's doing. I hear a knock at the door. 'Odd. Avery just left a couple of minutes ago.' I look out the window next to the door to see...(Y/N)..bruised and scratched up. I quickly open the door and gently pull her in. ¨What the h*ll happened!¨ She hugged me and she was...crying? ¨They...they hit me when I got home, and they wouldn't stop. The neighbor finally came over and I ran out and haven't looked back.¨ I gently lead her to the couch. ¨I'll be right back, try not to move much.¨ I got a first aid kit from the bathroom and walked back to the living room. She looked up at me. ¨You didn't have to do this for me¨ I smile a little and shake my head. ¨I didn't have to but I wanted to help out¨ After cleaning her cuts and bandaging them we sat there talking about what would be happening tomorrow. I hear a car pull up into the driveway. (Y/N) gets up and looks out the window and laughs slightly. ¨Your girl's back¨ She says as she sits down again. Avery opens the door and I get up and hug her. ¨I wasn't gone that long¨ She laughs, looking into my eyes. Her happy look turned concerned. ¨What happened¨ She whispers and looks in the living room. Her eyes widen and she rushes over to (Y/N) and hugs her tightly, making sure not to hurt her any more. 'This poor kid...having to go through all of this.'

(Y/N)'s pov

Avery hugged me tightly. I teared up and hid my face in her shoulder. ¨What happened sweetie?¨ She whispers in my ear. I cried into her shoulder for a little while and felt a hand on my shoulder. I look up to see Luke looking at both of us. I wipe my tears away and begin to explain to both of them. ¨I ran over here after the door was opened for my neighbor. Luke helped patch me up and now we're where we are now¨ Avery smiled a little. ¨At least you got out of there when you did. You're not going back there either. I won't let you.¨ I smiled softly and look up at both of them. ¨Thanks for being there for me guys¨ They smiled at me and both of them hugged me. ¨No problem sweetie.¨ Luke laughed slightly. ¨We're here for you no matter what (Y/N).¨ We broke the three way hug and Avery stood up and turned on her Xbox and handed both of us controllers. ¨No more bad stuff tonight. It's gaming time and then Pax tomorrow and you'll finally meet the rest of the guys and Willow!¨ We game for a couple of hours and then shut the game down. Everyone yawned and got ready for bed. I borrowed some clothes from Avery to sleep in. While I was changing Avery and Luke out blankets and pillows on the couch for me to sleep on. ¨I've got to get a bigger place!¨ I hear Avery complain playfully and both of them laughing afterwards. 'They're so good together' I thought as I headed back into the living room. We all exchanged 'goodnights' and fell asleep not long after. 

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