I Got Tagged...

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ALRIGHT! So I was tagged by the lovely xXWonderfulWillowXx. So lets get started...

Relationship Status: Taken by my lovely Steven. Three weeks tomorrow!

Life Status: Pretty good compared to how I was two or so months ago. As cheesy as it is, Steven got me out of a really dark point in my life. I'm only 17 and wanted to end it so badly, but he popped up in my game lobby one day and my life changed for the better. 

Social Media: I have several XD. I have Tumblr, Twitter, Instagram, Facebook, Wattpad (obviously), Quotev, Youtube, and I used to have Snapchat.

What Over What: I prefer singing over dancing. Seeing as I can't dance and I've been told I can sing rather well (Whether I believe it or not)

What Pisses You Off The Most: Being ignored. Don't do it. Because then I will get mad with the possible chance I won't want to talk to you ever again XD.

Favorite Subject: Does going home count? I don't have a favorite, I hate them all the same.

Favorite Songs At The Moment: Rebel Love Song by Black Veil Brides

Death Of A Bachelor by Panic! At The Disco

The Memory by Mayday Parade

Song For The Haters: Don't really have one. 

Message To My Haters: You don't like me? Cool, I don't really care. You dare mess with my friends, we've got a BIG problem.

And done lol. Thanks for reading guys!


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