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"Daryl,Don't!........"I whisper shaking my head nervously.

"Oh I get it are you and him????..."Negan laughs in Daryl's face.

"Get em back in line"Negan commands as the saviours drag him back.

More tears being streaming down my pale face.

I make small eye contact with Daryl and quickly look away.

"Listen, don't any of you do that again I will shut that shit down no exceptions....first ones free it's an emotional moment,I get it. I'm just gonna pretend like that never happened"Negan says referring to Daryl.

He clearly forgot about Glenn luckily for us.

Negan's glare turns to Rick "sucks don't it?...the moment you realise you don't know shit"

Negan points Lucille at Carl "this is your kid right,this is definitely your kid"Negan laughs.

"JUST STOP THIS!"Rick shouts.

"HEY,Don't make me kill the little future serial kill don't make it easy on me. I've gotta pick somebody,everybody's waiting on the table for me to order" Negan starts making the pulse raising sound of the whistles as he slowly begins walking past Michonne,Maggie etc.

"I simply can't decide................................I got an idea!"Negan smiles making his way over to Rick.

"Einey"Negan points Lucille to Rick.

I see where this is going and I don't like it.....

"miney,mo,catch a tiger by his toe if it hollas let him go,my mother told me to pick.."Negan points Lucille at each and every one of us.

I'd rather him kill me then anyone else here,everyone's crying and waiting intensely until..

"...the very best one and........."

"You" .......



Lucille lands on Abraham who rises up on his knees.

"Anybody moves anybody says anything cut the boys other eye out and feed it to his father and then we'll start.... you can't breath, you can blink.....you can cry....hell you're all gonna be doing that"Negan eyes have a hint of excitement in them and I have to turn away to stop myself from screaming.

I look weakly over to Daryl who's miming the words "Look away".

I feel as though I owe it To Abraham to know he went down as a strong soldier.

Abraham of course has saved my life in the past.

I watch as Negan swings Lucille and hits him on the head causing Abraham to fall from his rised position.

A few moments later Abraham rises up again,but this time with a blood stained head.

"Suck....My..nuts"Abraham whipsers between raspy breaths.

Then another swing of Lucille hits his head causing him to now collapse completely on the floor.

Negan doesn't stop.Instead he just keeps hitting him and hitting him until Abrahams body is stuck to the wet ground.

My tears feel heavy like they're dragging me towards the floor and my head continues to throb from all the cries and screams.

"You hear that?, he said suck my nuts" Negan laughs and with one shake and swing Abrahams blood from Lucille splatters on Ricks face.

I take slow painful breaths from my mouth being so dry.

I think about running over to Daryl and hug him but I'm terrified to even look up at anyone.

It's not a dream and it's far worse then what you'll ever see in a nightmare.

Negan was still talking more bullshit but I couldn't hear what exactly he was saying.

I had completely zoned out with my head continuously throbbing.

My eyes began to close and I couldn't control it until I heard a THUD similar to Negan hitting Abraham.

I looked up to see Negans next victim......Glenn!

I heard Maggies piercing scream.

My heart felt like it was going to burst from my chest.

Blood streaming down his face and his left eye popping out he forced the words "Maggie I'll find you" out before Negan hit him again.

Shit!.did that really just happen did Glenn actually die?

Negans still beating Glenn down to the ground and I can't look even look at Maggie....

My heads spinning again and I begin to sweat.

Daryl stands up and punches Negan across the face as the saviours pull him back.

Negan grows red in fury and hits Daryl on the head with Lucille and blood squirts everywhere and somehow hits me this time.

"NO!" I scream as I try to get up but for some reason I can't move.

Negans still hitting Daryl until he's just pure blood and mush.

The screaming and crying is so loud that I can't hear my own thoughts.

My vision is blinded by tears...

"I said the first one's free and you're groups broke the rules one to many times"Negan shouts and drags crying Rick into the centre.

"Choose who dies or I'll kill all of them including your boy!"Negan demands.

Ricks crying hysterically now as Negan demands the saviours to put a gun to our heads which they do.

"Please" Rick pleads with a soaked face and hair from the constant crying.

I've just saw three people I care about die right in front of me right now I wanna die.

"Choose me"I scream to Rick.

"Now we need to make this even,choose in three......two.....one" Negan stops and Rick doesn't say anything.

I'm so confused.Rick wouldn't do that.

Negan nods at one of the saviours as I jump at the piercing sound of two gun shots.

I turn to my right and see Sasha on the floor with blood pouring down her head and on my left Aaron.

"Maggie"I cry and see Maggies been crying for so long that she looks like she's gonna collapse.

Two more gun shots go off and this time it's Rosita and Eugine.

Then another and this time it's Maggie.

I scream her name so loud that my throat stung and cut me off half way through the scream.

I close my eyes and just wait.....

And that's it.it all went black....

Negan (A bethyl story)Where stories live. Discover now