Chapter 22: The Search

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~~Chapter 22~~
I roamed the hallways with wary eyes for any sign of Ikuto. He was still no where to be seen. "Where the heck was he?!" I grumbled.

I stopped and looked at Ran, Miki, Su and Dia. "Let's all split up and look for him. It'll be easier that way." Miki said and I nodded, "yeah, that's a good idea." I said and we all went off in different directions.

I walked off towards the hallway where the teachers lounge was. When I arrived at the door, I slowly opened it.

I peeked inside, no one was in there.

I grumbled to myself and shut the door. Maybe I should just tell him about it tomorrow. But what if something happens?! You need to tell him today! My mind yelled at me and I gave in with a sigh.

Su looked around as she floated slowly. With her hands to chest, she nervously looked around for Ikuto. "I-Ikuto-san?" She called out and felt a dread of fear ball up in her stomach. Without anyone with her, she didn't feel safe by herself.

Su saw an open door to a classroom and decided to look in there. "Ikuto-san?" She uttered and poked her head through the doorframe.

Su looked and saw a teacher doing some work on his desk. "Oops! Sorry Mr. Sensei!" Su sheepishly grinned and went back out into the hallway to continue searching.

Ran was starting to get irritated that there was no sign of Ikuto. "Jeez! Where are you!" She yelled and looked left to right. Putting a pout on her face, she quickly zoomed through the hallways, looking left and right as she looked for any sign of him.

She was going so fast that she didn't see Dia in front of her. "Gya! Dia?!" The pink haired guardian character yelled as the two ran into each other.

They both tumbled to the ground with a thud and Dia rubbed her head. "Ouch. Jeez, Ran. Watch where you're going."

"Sorry, Dia." Ran apologized and held out a hand to help Dia up. "I just wanted to find Ikuto as quickly as possible."

Dia took the hand and gave her a pleasant smile, "it's alright. It's good that no one got hurt."

Miki turned as she felt the familiar presence of a guardian character. "Yoru! If he's here, then Ikuto should be with him!" She yelled out loud and started to go in the direction where she felt the cat's presence.

She felt the presence getting closer and closer when she realized something. Yoru was outside. She slammed the glass window of the door and banged on it. "Why can't Amu-chan be here....?" She groaned and knocked her head against the glass.

She lifted her head up as she heard voices. "It's alright, Manami! We'll see him tomorrow!" Miki turned and saw that the voice belonged to one of Amu's friend's, Wakana.

Wakana was walking beside Manami with Manami's expression being upset. Wakana was patting her friend's shoulder with worry etched onto her face.

"I just...really wanted to give these to Tsukiyomi Sensei..." Manami let out a sigh and Miki noticed a shiny bag in her hands.

"I worked all last night to make them they'll just go to waste."

Miki felt horrible for the brown haired girl. She understood what it was like to work hard for someone and not be able to get recognition back. She had never experienced it herself, but she knew what it was like.

Then she realized that the two girls were leaving. She quickly followed them and slipped past the door when they did.

"Yes! I made it!" Miki cheered for herself. The emotion of feeling bad for Manami disappeared since all that was in her head was that she needed to find Yoru and Ikuto.

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