Chapter 39: Acting

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I have finally hit 300 followers, which is really shocking. But thank you everyone! I love you all! And I hope you guys will continue to support me!

Also, updates will be a bit slower than usual. Sorry, but school is really making me busy, along with band.

Anyways, I hope you guys enjoy this chapter! Much love from me! ❤

"But you're his friend. I'm sure with just seeing you, he would be affected in some way."

Tadase sighed with a nod. "That's true, but with you also here, he might react differently than with just me."

Amu grimaced, looking at the old carpet underneath them. She could feel a cool gaze pierce her skin and looked up to see Ikuto staring right at her. Making another grimace, she watched as he only slightly nodded his head at her.

She sighed as she looked at Tadase once again. "Alright then, I'll be in the ground group."


~~Chapter 39~~
Amu let out a sigh as the character transformation she had done with Su came undone. Back in her regular clothes, she looked around to see Ikuto opening the window.

"We're gonna climb through there?!" Kukai exclaimed. "W-what if we fall?"

Utau sighed as she punched the side of her boyfriend's arm. "Calm down. You have your hover board." She grounded out as she pushed him forwards.

Amu continued to watch as Ikuto climb through the window in uneasiness. She couldn't help but be worried, hoping that he wouldn't fall. Although she knew he wouldn't, she was still worried for him.

She watched as he hung on the ledge for a few moments before flipping himself backwards on top of the roof. She let out a small sigh of relief to hear his faint footsteps pattering on the roof above them.

Utau and Kukai soon followed after him. Kukai hovering near the ledge of the window as he winked at everyone, "see you guys later! Good luck!" He shouted before he whizzed upwards.

"Amu-chan, should we stay in here for now?" Ran asked as the rest of the guardian character all gathered in the middle of the room.

Tadase shook his head, "no, just stay out in the hallway for now. If there's an emergency, we'll be needing you guys close for us to character transform."

Nagi agreed, "yeah, we don't want Kennsuke, his friend, or the x-egg's to see you guys. They'll probably figure out our plan if they do. So staying in the hallway is a good idea. Just make sure to stay quiet though."

The guardian characters nodded in understanding as they continued to hover around the room a bit.

Tadase turned to the group before him. "Is everyone ready? Remember, we need to act scared, like we are really looking around for any paranormal activities." His eyes were hard, his jaw set.

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