Chapter 27: Hide-and-Go-Seek

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Sorry for the kinda long wait....the good thing is that this chapter is pretty long, but the bad thing is that I feel like it's poorly written....hopefully its not too horrible.

Anyways, I hope you guys will enjoy this chapter! (even though it's poorly written) And please give me your thoughts on it!

~~Chapter 27~~
After the hugging incident, Amu refused to tell Nagi and Rima why her face was bright red and why Ikuto had a smug smirk clearly on his face as they walked out of the entrance of the park.

When Nagi and Rima saw Amu's bright face from afar, they knew immediately that something had happened. And Rima especially was going to interrogate Amu once they were both home.

On their ways home, everyone except Ikuto were happily talking about how fun the day was.

"Well, this is where I go." Rima said as they all led to a stop as two pathways emerged. "Ah, I'll walk you home." Nagi replied and Rima glared at him.

"I don't need to be walked home." She huffed.

Nagi frowned and glanced at the setting sun. It was starting to get late and he didn't feel comfortable with sending a girl home by herself. "No, it's not safe for you." He gave a defiant reply and Rima only glared in response before turning around.

"Do what you want." Was all she said, and needed to say for Nagi to start walking after her.

The last two people and guardian characters looked at the two disappearing figures until Ran yelled out, "let's go home!" She cheered and turned around the opposite direction.

Once they reached Amu's house, Amu quickly said her goodbyes to Ikuto and a thank you before quickly rushing inside and slamming the door shut. Miki, Dia, Su and Ran barely had any time or warning to quickly get in the house, but luckily they made it. Amu slowly took off her shoes and slid her back against the door.

"What happened, Amu-chan?" Dia asked her with a worried expression.

Amu couldn't hear her guardian character. Her head was already as full as it could be to the point where her ears had stopped working. The whole walk home felt like hours. It had been silent between them the whole time and the image and feeling of him hugging her on the ferris wheel just couldn't be wiped from her mind. The warmth he held. His intoxicating smell. She slapped her cheeks at that last thought. Don't be a pervert!! She yelled to herself.

Ikuto chuckled as he looked at the door the pinkette had just slammed before continuing on walking. "Jeez, what happened between you two~nya?" Yoru asked with furrowed eyebrows.

"Papa, I'm going to leave tomorrow with my friend." Amu nervously said. She saw her father's figure freeze before he slowly turned. Amu could only sigh when she saw his eyes starting to tear up.

"M-my Amu-chan doesn't love Papa anymore!!" He wailed into his arm and spun around in his chair. "She just wants to spend time with her friends and not Papa!!!!"

Amu grimaced at the sight and sighed. "Papa, it'll just be for a couple of hours. I promise. Then I'll spend the rest of the day with you. Whatever you want to do, I'll spend it with you " she tried to reassure him.

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