bella donna

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stevie stepped up to the microphone. the sea of faces waved and cheered up at her and she smiled and waved back.
"thank you all so much for coming here tonight, really, i appreciate it very much, especially as it's my first solo tour. thank you!"
she called out to the crowd, and when she'd finished, the cheering just rose higher.
it was the 28th November 1981. the first show of the white winged dove tour for bella donna. i couldn't be more proud. stevie had been with us in fleetwood mac for about 6 years now, but she had finally taken off and set out on her own path in a solo career. i admired her confidence so much. and i loved her more than anything. as she sang through rhiannon and i stood backstage, i felt so happy for her. but, all of a sudden, another feeling struck me.
i had no reason to be sad! i told myself to stop it, silently. stop being so silly. selfish.
it wasn't jealousy. definitely not envy. it was worry. the worry that she would be so busy with music and touring that... that she wouldn't have time for me any more. i hated myself as soon as i formed the thought. ridiculous! she doesn't love me, at least not the way i do, and it will never happen, not in a million years. if she was any kind of friend she'd make sure i wasn't forgotten.

after the final song, an encore of dreams, she thanked the audience once more, tearfully, and made her way back to where i was, away from the crowd.
"chris!" she exclaimed, showing her excitement with a beaming smile.
"oh stevie, that was brilliant. brilliant." i replied, also beaming. "i'm so proud!"
"me too, chris, me too." she closed her eyes and smiled. when she opened them again she lifted her arms and took my hands in hers.
"i couldn't have done it without you. you and robin have stood by me this whole time. and the girls." as she said this, she looked over to where her singers were talking and laughing over by the dressing rooms.
"i wouldn't have wanted to be anywhere else." i said back. of course i couldn't have missed her first show! i had to be here to support her.
she smiled again and it was contagious.
she squeezed my hands tighter and a buzz went through my body. i was in love with this beautiful little woman. i could so easily get lost in her dark eyes, those pools of brown. her soft voice that could be so un-soft when she wanted it to be. on stage, she was the world. up close, she was my world.
we were staring now. at each other. her thumbs circled my hands. she broke into another smile.
"chris. i've got an interview in.. way too soon. can you help me do my makeup?"
i nodded and smiled. i decided i would try and value the time i had with stevie just that bit more. and so she led me by the hand down a corridor, past some people who i had never seen before in my life, left, and to a small dressing room with a large mirror.

ten minutes later i was mid-way through her eyes. my attention slipped for just a second and i was staring into them again, my hands floating in the air. stevie laughed.
"what's up with you?" she blinked and shuffled a bit. this snapped me out of my trance.
"i- sorry stevie. your eyes are dangerous. at least to me." i chuckled too. i could write a song just about those eyes.
"yours are just as enchanting. that blue... it's like denim and water, all in one."
"poetic." i muttered.
"mm. i kind of am a poet, chris." she joked.
"mm." i said back. the makeup was totally forgotten.
"you're different to robin." she mumbled. "she's like a sister to me. and you... i don't know what you are to me chris. but whatever it is, it's beautiful. really... beautiful."
i felt myself blush slowly.
"you're different too, stevie."
i paused. should i?
"i-" i stopped. i was jumping ahead of myself.
"you what?" stevie pressed.
"i can't." i whispered.
"can't what?" again she questioned me. i was getting nervous now. i had really done it now. why couldn't i just keep quiet?
"i shouldn't have said anything. i'm sorry." i looked away. i had ruined the moment, i was sure.
"fine. i'll say it." she replied. my head turned back to her. confusion.
"i love you, christine. i do." she whispered. my eyes widened in surprise.
"you..? you... stevie.. i thought..."
i saw the expectation on her face.
"oh god, stevie. i love you too. i love you." she seemed to relax all over, as if she had been completely tense this whole time. we stared at each other again. a few minutes passed, or a few years, or a few seconds. i couldn't tell.
she whispered something.
"pardon?" i breathed back.
"...mascara." she said, louder this time. i smiled and started to laugh. she laughed with me, and everything about her was perfect.

once we had calmed down, i got back to her makeup. i finished her eyeliner and mascara and asked her if she liked it. she turned to the mirror and smiled as soon as she saw it.
"thank you, i love it." she paused. "i'd love to do this again sometime. what do you say?" she turned back to me, her eyes hopeful.
"i would like that. yes. of course." i replied, and her hand was back in mine.
"thank you again. for all of this. everything." and i knew she didn't just mean the mascara or the tour. she meant the worst of the days and nights of the late 70s. the times when we sat with each other during Rumours and just cried. the times where i found her unconscious across her bed, white powder scattered everywhere. the times where i helped her get into the cab after way too many drinks and a much too heavy party. the times where she did the same for me.
"a lot has happened to us in such a short amount of time." i muttered.
"maybe too much." came her reply.
"but we're here now, after your first ever solo tour... i'm so proud."
And her reply was a kiss. she leaned towards me and we were pressed against each other. her lips were extremely soft. i was as gentle as i could be because her skin felt as delicate and soft as a rose petal. i didn't want to hurt her, ever.
i kissed back and our noses pushed up against each other. i opened my eyes for a second and saw us in the mirror. i smiled into the kiss at the sight. a moment i never thought could've existed anywhere but in my dreams.

the image told me something else too. if she was even a quarter as in love with me as i was with her, she would never even think of leaving me behind. i was sure of that.

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