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posting this relic draft from when i was 14 in case i forget my password. it needs to be preserved


Stevie's dead straight hair hung forward, nearly covering her face but not quite as she belted out harmonies to the left of a tall, dark and intimidatingly handsome man. she moved gently from side to side as she sang, her high voice and vibrato shining through Lindsey's lead vocals. Christine stood amongst the crowd but close to the stage, cheering and beaming in Stevie's general direction. she was nearly completely ignoring the rest of the band that was playing as she was so transfixed by the way the little blonde girl swayed her hips in between lines, and the way she held the microphone with both of her hands during them.

it was the end of the school year and the Fritz Rabyne Memorial Band had put on a concert under the dark blues and purples of the hot Arizonan dusk. As soon as Christine had seen the first poster she had been looking forward to it, and that was a month and a half ago. It was the instrumental now and Stevie looked across the crowd, at Christine. They smiled at each other as the guitar solo started up. Slowly the song came to a close and everyone applauded and cheered, but Chris more than anyone.

She pushed through the crowd as the last song came to a close until she was at the side of the open stage. she waited for Stevie to come down the few steps leading from it and as soon as she did, Chris ran to her, beaming.
"That was brilliant, Steph! I loved it! and so did the rest of school, clearly." Stevie beamed back,
"I was so nervous going up there Chris, in front of everyone, but as soon as the song started it all melted away... it was amazing Chris, i just wish you could come up with me and feel it too..."
Chris smiled again, laughing,
"Stevie I couldn't. no way! that crowd looks terrifying."
they smiled and hugged again, both of them unaware that they were thinking the same thing. both of them finding the urge to kiss one another almost unbearable. and both of them thought the other felt differently.
"I- I really care about you, Stevie,"
chris whispered into her ear as they embraced. she felt Stevie tense up and her arms loosen. Shit, shit, shit... Christine thought to herself. She knew she shouldn't have said anything. The moment was ruined. Stevie was looking at the floor and wouldn't meet her eyes. However, they still stood very close to each other.
"Stevie?" Chris whispered. Stevie lifted her head.

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 17, 2023 ⏰

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