say you will

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"ok, chris, now your left foot... yes, that's it. now your right... left..."
we were in the living room of my big beautiful home, a soft waltz playing in the background. i was teaching chris how to dance and it seemed to be going well. she picked it up quickly and we were stepping in time together nearly perfectly within the hour. my arm was at her waist, and my other hand clasped in hers. i watched as she closed her eyes and swayed with me. the music filled the room, our ears and our hearts. i closed the gap between us, so that my head was against her chest, my arm across her back. still we swayed, and i closed my eyes, too. christine gently took my hand and twirled me round and, really, it was as if we were always meant to dance together. i felt my hair fly out slightly and chris slide her hand back to my waist. we swayed and stepped, turning slowly. the song eventually came to a stop and i held chris close. i opened my eyes and lifted my head. she was staring back at me with her blue eyes. i smiled slightly and leaned in. as we kissed i felt my hands move up to her face and i held her gently. hers lowered to either side of my waist and we both deepened the kiss. i felt as if i was being woken from a trance as she pulled away. i was confused - she was just standing there smiling. across her soft, beautiful face was a look of pure love and knowing. what did she know?

as if in slow motion, she lowered to the floor, down, further, until she was there on one knee. my eyes widened. hers looked up at me, and locked onto mine.
"stephanie lynn nicks," she said, her voice wavering slightly.
"chris..." i whispered. my hands went up to cover my mouth. if this was a dream, i never wanted to wake up.

"will you marry me?" she said, her voice choking up. in her hand was a little black box and something glinted from it. i broke into the biggest smile in the longest time and my voice cracked as i said the words.
"yes. oh my god, chris, yes... yes!" i was really crying now, tears falling down my cheeks. she rose again and beamed back. she laughed quietly and held my face as her eyes welled up too.
"i love you so much." her thumbs wiped the tears from my face. i let out a breathy laugh and smiled again.
"me too chris. i really love you." i said, my voice wobbling. she took a step back and lifted up my hand. she took the little ring from the box and pushed it softly onto my fourth finger. i blinked back more tears as i looked at it. it was so beautiful; it was a pale blue diamond, with a little silver petal unfurling from its side. engraved on it were her initials and then mine.
"it's so pretty..." is all i could manage. i couldn't stop staring at it. my gaze shifted to chris.
"i'm glad you like it. it cost a fortune!" we laughed and once again the gap between us was closed with a kiss. i felt so lucky to have this woman. i loved her more than i could ever express, maybe even through my songs. and as we held each other close, my mind was filled with nothing but her.

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