The Newbies

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TIP #8: It may be hard, but when you come across the people that are bit and haven't turned, kill them.


June 7th, 2017

I run all the way to the bus. Jack is on top of the bus and is firing randomly at the zombies below. There's so many of them! I level my gun and fire. I look up. Jack has acknowledged my existence and then continues firing. Zombies are banging on the bus door. I shoot at them. I miss slightly and shatter the windows on the bus door. The zombies turn toward me. I put one of their heads in between the sights and fire. The zombie's head kicks back and it collapses. I put the other zombies head in the sights and fire. The sound of my gun rings fiercely in my ears. My hands are coated with zombie goop, it feels disgusting. Jack stops firing too. He soon appears at the bus door. I'm pretty sure he's gaping at what I did to the door. "Hey, um, Kylie?"

"Hey, um, Jack?"

He puts his hand though the door and makes a hand gesture, "You kinda got something there."

I laugh, "Thanks."

"No problem." He grins

I step backwards then Jack opens the doors. I climb on and collapse in the seat behind the driver's. I gasp for breath. My lungs feel as if they're closing up. "Kylie? Are you okay?" Jack asks

"Argha, meh, smh, mert." I attempt to make actual words, but my vocal chords aren't working.

"Ugh! I shouldn't have gave your that vaccine! Your body is affecting differently than all the test subjects. What's your blood type?"

"Blah type?" I finally say an actual word, yet I sound drugged

"Yes, blood type?"

What is my blood type? My dad was just talking about it like a month ago. Why can't I remember? My face feels super dry, but my legs feel cold and wet. Everything sudden cramps up. Everything except my vocal chords. My vocal chords loosen up a little bit. "Crack."

No, not crack. I ment to say Jack. Why brain why? Ok, focus. Jack, jack, jack, jack. "Jack."

I actually said something I wanted to say. "Yes, it's me. Jack. How are you feeling?"

Feeling? Right now, I feel awful. "My legs-" I say, "Are wet."

Jack laughs a little. "So your brain is okay. Your vocal chords and everything else isn't doing well. I'd say go to the back and go to sleep."

I try to stand, but fall back down. Jack chuckles. "Here I'll help you." He puts his hands around my waist.

I stand up and Jack leads me toward the back. I'm pretty sure he's enjoying this. Jesus, he's cute but mean. I collapse into the seat. As Jack leaves, I make sure to 'accidently' kick Jack in the back of his knees. He stumbles, but doesn't fall. I slowly drift off to sleep.

"Kylie, wake up." Someone whispers

My eyes are heavy, but I open them anyways. Nathan is shaking me awake, "Go away." I growl

My voice! It sounds the same as before I got sick! I take a deep breath. "We have to go, but I'll help you up."

I grab Nathan's hand and get pulled up. I trip and topple over Nathan and we crash into the ground. We all laugh. I walk toward the doors. Joce opens the doors and we walk toward the mall. Nathan lets go of me and Jack appears at my side. "Feeling better?"

I nod, "A lot better, but why did my body act that way and why is it better?"

"I don't know, but if we ever run into my dad let's not tell him about the reaction your body had?" I find worry in his voice

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