Part Three

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The part is a few days after the last chapter.

The Doctor hated Physical Therapy on Wednesday. That was progress day and he had only moved up letter grade in an entire month. The grade was based on dependability and skill level for certain categories like mobility, attitude, stamina, independence, and over all strength of working muscles and part of the body. He was there everyday for the hour sessions a d over time had watched as people came in wheelchairs and left walking out of the building by the end of a month. He had only moved a letter grade up because he finally figured out how to get in and out of the shower by himself the week before.

"Doctor, do you want to give the two beam test a try real quick and have that in your score?" His therapist, Jack, asked with a encouraging smile. The Doctor put down the weights and wiped off his hands and face.

"Jack, I'm paralyzed, my legs don't work anymore. Did you read the write up on me?" The Doctor asked with a quick laugh.

"I know, I think though now that you've worked to a 'C' we should try something a bit more challenging. The goal with the beam test is not to walk with your legs but to be able to pull yourself from place to place over short distances." Jack said walking to the beam and using his arms to move across the beam while holding his own working legs out in front of him and off the ground.

"So what if I do bad on it? Do I move down a grade?" The Doctor asked not sure if tampering with his already low score was something he wanted or could afford to do.

"It may but if you give it your all you can get a boost in the attitude section at the very least." Jack explained hoping it would boost the appeal of the exercise to The Doctor.

"Mmm, can I try it? We are done with everything else right? Just the scoring to be logged and handed to me and the other boys?" The timelord asked looking around at everyone else who was either talking with a trainer or working a machine themselves.

"Yep, all done today except for this Doctor. Why don't we get you in position and ready real quick and give it a try." Jack said with a smile.

"Okay..." He said stretching out his arms and hands carefully. He started at the end marked zero and hoisted himself up using only his arms, his legs simply there as dead weight.

He grunted as the weight of everything made his arms shake slightly and scream for oxygen to reach his muscles. He hardly moved his hands ten centimeters when he fell and landed softly on the mat. Jack went to his side and helped him back up into the chair once more.

"Good job, you went seven centimeters which is about average for first timers of your condition on the beams. Take a big drink of water and go wash up for Sarah Jane while we tally everything." Jack said patting him on the back. The Doctor nodded and reached into his bag pulling out his water bottle taking a sip before heading into the locker rooms to change.

"Oi! Doc! You going to the game of basketball on Saturday against Sunny Hills Rehab? They got Jones on starting line up." A few guys asked as they cleaned themselves up and finished drying off their hair.

"I don't know it depends whether or not I get a reply on my resume or not." The Doctor replied taking off his shirt and shorts.

"Huh? You quitting? Finally grew bored of the ol' Brigadier?" They teased, one of the guys putti his finger above his upper lip to mimic the iconic mustache.

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