DBZ Android Male Reader x Blake (RWBY)

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Hello everyone this is another request by MichaelCipher. It will be DBZ Android Male Reader and Blake let's see what happens, So without further ado.. let's get going ze.

(Y/n)' POV
I'm an android specifically designed to hunt down and kill humans for the White Fang, which is ironic because I was once a human, well not anymore. However during my time with them I couldn't bring myself to kill others, I could hurt them yes, but something within me is holding me back from killing them ,making the people run. In which the leader of the white fang didn't approve (AU, Adam is not the leader of the White Fang.) they would try to break me and tear me apart but no matter how hard they try it wouldn't work, because my body could regenerate fast, and any type of "death" I would have experienced. I would become immune to it if I was struck by the same attack again. But after so many years of seeing the White Fang try to hunt down and kill humans, I decided enough was enough I'm going to escape when the morning comes.
(Y/n): I got everything ready and all set, ammunition check, clothes check, back-up emergency rocket launchers check, tactical nukes check, (favorite anime) dvd uncut boxsets check. What else am I missing oh yeah my scroll. I grabbed my scroll and put it in my pocket.
I looked back at my room, well this is goodbye old home. After I said that I quickly ran out of the base.

4 months later.

It's been 4 months since I left the White Fang, I'm glad I wasn't caught by those guys, they've been pursuing me relentlessly, and I had some close calls, but I managed to get out of there without being captured again. (...These guys are getting smarter, looks like I need to be a lot more careful. But for now time to head out, when I stepped out of my new house which I made, I went to Tukson's bookstore, and was greeted by Tukson who is a faunus, at first he thought I was here to kill him because he left the White Fang, but I assured him that I meant no harm. I'm only here as a customer to purchase books, besides I got myself a new hobby, which was reading.
I was in my new house, I had used up nearly all of my ammunition, clothes were near in ruin, and as fir my anime box sets I memorized every detail, and could explain every episode clearly. But I got bored for a while since I kept re-watching them. So I decided to head outside and see where my pointless walking would take me to. After 40 minutes of walking I stopped in front of a bookstore.
(Y/n): Tukson's bookstore huh (Where have I heard that name before?) I stepped inside and out of the back came a man who appeared to be in his early 30's. I also saw that he was a faunus.
Tukson: Welcome to Tuks...o.....n's....
(Y/n): .......What's wrong?
Tukson: No! Stay back please I don't want any trouble, please let me live in peace, I have a wife and two children! He exclaimed with fear in his voice.
(Y/n): ? What are you talking about I came here interested in getting a new book, and start a new hobby.
Tukson: You mean you aren't here to kill me?
(Y/n): No! Why would I have any reason or purpose to do that?
Tukson: You're the White Fang's most dangerous android, anybody would automatically surrender if they were to encounter you.
(Y/n): Well I can assure you that I no longer have any ties with the White Fang, I escaped.
Tukson: What? You escaped?!
(Y/n): Yep, hearing them preach about killing all humans and it will bring peace to the faunus is nothing but a false paradise, I truly believe that one day there will come a point in time when humans, and faunus can live peacefully.
Tukson: *heh* Hearing that sounds like a dream, or aspiration to something, never thought I would see an android filled with dreams.
(Y/n): Well, I was originally a human once, then remodified to become an android. But I believe that's a story for another time. For now I want to focus on books for now, so what do you recommend.
Tukson: Depends on what you're asking for?
(Y/n): Let's see...got a book on that focuses more onto the aspects of the soul, the type of book that makes you think which path suits best.
Tukson: I see I think I may have what you're looking for.
He searches in the back and pulls out a book.
Tukson: This I highly recommend.
(Y/n): The Prince?... How much would it cost.
Tukson: Keep it, but only on one condition, you must never reveal my location.
(Y/n): Got it. Thank you very much, and here, I took 5000 lien and gave it to Tukson. Keep it as an exchange for both the book, and a good person to talk with.
Tukson: *stares in shock* I can't accept this, this is just too much!
(Y/n): Like I said keep it, I don't need what most faunus, or humans need, as for me I only rely on drinks, as my power source. I return here and give you my opinion about the book, and see what else you can recommend me. Also that money, you're going to need it to support your family.
Tukson: *tears of gratitude* Thank you.
(Y/n): *smiles* No problem friend. Adios.
I stepped outside the store, and went back to my house to begin reading.
30 minutes
(Y/n): Wow this book is incredible! Tukson wasn't kidding when he highly recommended this one. How fascinating would it be if people thought more rationally? Would we be able to uncover the truth about everything? It truly is a marvelous book. But for now time to put down the book, and see what the White Fang has been up to as of late. I used a mini recorder to spy on the White Fang, and see what sort of scheme are they planning. My recorder picked up a battle at the docks, and I saw a lone cat faunus female fighting the White Fang by herself.
(Y/n): A battle at the docks, interesting let's see what else is...Blake?! What is she doing at the docks battling the White Fang? Unless she must've quit being within the group. I got myself ready and proceeded to head out into the docks by flying insanely fast, and survey the area as soon as I got there. Yeesh there are a lot of White Fang members all armed, and ready to shoot at Blake.
(Y/n): (Blake's exhausted I know that much, well hope she doesn't mind some backup.)
Blake's POV
Huff...huff...Tch (Just how many of them are there, I don't think I can last much longer.)
???: Hahaha that's what happens when you betray your brothers and sisters in arms. Why can't you understand that humans are bad, said a man with a hat, that has a cane and smoking a cigar.
Blake: Huff....huff then why is the White Fang teaming alongside the humans then if you say all humans are bad.
???: Silly cat, when people fight for the same objective then they get along, and fight alongside no matter if it is the person they despise. Okay that's enough talk, everyone let's give show this cat what happens when curiosity gets the better of them.
Blake: (I'm too exhausted to use my semblance, I've been fighting these guys for so long, I don't think I'm going to make it. Everyone I'm sorry.) I was ready to accept death, but then something strange happened, I felt a weird sensation like I was being carried and jumped at an incredibly fast rate. I looked around to see that I was on top of a metal crate, as I looked down below, I see White Fang members being taken down at an alarmingly fast rate, until there were 5 left.
???: Okay whoever you are show yourself!
(Y/n): Easy there Torchwick, we wouldn't you to blow a fuse.
Blake: ?! (That voice I recognize that voice, oh no don't tell me he's here to get me back by force, I have to run!) I tried to run only to realize I was too exhausted to even run let alone stand up, (So this is how it ends huh?) I then let my exhaustion get me and fell unconscious.
(Y/n) POV
(Y/n): So Roman long time no see, last time I checked you had less of a bounty than you have right now, so if I capture you I can get the bounty.
Roman: Hahaha not bad, bot boy but let me tell you something many have tried none have succeeded.
(Y/n): Really let's try now. I took out the 4 remaining members, by punching or kicking them unconscious, until there was only Roman as I appeared in front of his face, as he went back in shock.
(Y/n): Boo!
Roman: Make a fool out of me will you? He fired a bullet from his cane, and hit me in the head, unfortunately for Roman, I experienced that "death" already.
(Y/n): Too bad man, you gotta try harder than that. Like this! I punched him in the back so hard I heard some bones crack. (.....I think I may have damaged his spinal cord temporarily. Gotta learn how to hold back, cause sometimes I keep forgetting that I'm an android. But anyways time to apprehend them all and give the authorities a notification. After calling and getting my bounty from all of them I went back for Blake.
(Y/n): (She's exhausted, heh she is one heck of a trooper to stand up and fight those many members, and last that long against them.) I took her back to my house, and placed her on my bed. I better get her some water, and some fruits to boost her strength back up.
Blake' s POV
Mmmm....I began to slowly wake up to find myself in a room. (Am I back in Beacon Academy? No wait there's no bed on top of mine. Unless I was captured by him, and I can't escape anymore.) I kept thinking of ways to escape that I didn't focus on the door being open, and revealing the person who kidnapped me. He waved his hand in my face to get my attention. Hmm?..... Stop stay back! Please let me go I don't want to go back to the White Fang?!
(Y/n): *sigh* That's the second time I heard that, I quit the White Fang a long time ago Kit Kat.
Blake: You did?! and did you just name me by a candy bar brand?
(Y/n): Yep, anyways my guess is you must've quit since you said that. So how've you been.
Blake:....Fine I guess, wait where's Roman?
(Y/n): Here in cash of the bounty on his head, and the rest of the group luckily I didn't severely kill him, it's just he won't be able to move for a long while.
Blake: I see.
(Y/n): Here. I gave 20,000 lien.
Blake: What's this for?!
(Y/n): For your endurance back at the docks you were fighting nonstop. Anyways you can stay here if you want as for me time to get back to my book. Night Blake.
Blake: Night. As he closed the door I looked around and saw a couple of shelves that housed a lot of dvd box sets, on the side of the walls. (He really likes those shows,hmm.. water, sliced apples, and oranges) as I looked at the nightstand, next to me, (must be to get my strength back.) In front of me I saw a desk with a computer and lots of complicated machinery, (I highly doubt I'd know what to use them for.)  After finsihing eating and drinking I saw what was next to the desk there was a door I went there, and appeared to be a bathroom, (heh, never thought androids, would need a bathroom, let alone a shower.) As I smiled and took a bath, after bathing and drying myself, I found a change of clothes waiting for me on my bed. (Well thanks, (Y/n).) It was just pajamas but they felt really comfortable, and surprisingly it was around my size. After that I went to sleep.
Next morning
I quickly got up, from bed and stretched, to head back to Beacon my team must be worried sick, all but Weiss, since she may still hate the faunus because of the White Fang. I went downstairs only to find a plate of smoked tuna ready for me and I saw (Y/n) just writing some notes down by reading this book.
(Y/n): Morning Blake
Blake: Good Morning (Y/n)
(Y/n): You slept well?
Blake: Yes, and have you been up all night reading that book?
(Y/n): Yes I have, and I have to admit the story is very interesting it makes you think about which side is better and to think what are the benefits, or the harm it can do either yourself, or to others. I love this book, I may have to ask Tukson to get me more books like this. I walked towards him and saw the book.
Blake: The Prince?
(Y/n): Yup a very good book ,and you may wanna finish your breakfast before that tuna gets cold Kit Kat.
Blake: Stop calling me that. I said playfully.
(Y/n): Too late for that, but my guess is you have class now don't you. Don't worry I informed the headmaster and your professor that you will be running late.
Blake: You think about everything don't you?
(Y/n): When it comes to people yes, but for you a lot more.
Blake: *blushes red* I see well thanks. Time for me to get going and also I gave him a kiss on the cheek, thanks
(Y/n): Don't forget your wallet.
Blake: Oh right thanks, I went upstairs only to find my wallet stuffed with a lot of lien. I sweatdropped thinking that he was serious about the whole money thing. It was then I heard him.
(Y/n): I told you, you can keep it.
Blake: Well thanks (Y/n)
(Y/n): No problem.
After kissing his cheek again I went outside only to be stopped by (Y/n). What's wrong? I asked
(Y/n): Wanna get there by flying?
Blake: You're going to take me to Beacon by plane.
(Y/n): No not by plane here take my hand and hold on tight.
Blake: *blushes* Okay then. I grabbed hisnhand and slowly he began to levitate, pulling me with him and he took off towards Beacon bringing me along for the ride, I looked down to see the city and people look so small, and as I looked back up I could see him, his face filled with determination and hope, along with a kind heart that helps people, even though he's an android who's supposed to be mankind's greatest fear. He's just here helping others, and enjoying his life. I can't help but think about kissing him ,and what that would feel like,but as I looked further ahead I saw Beacon was getting closer.
(Y/n): Almost there so enjoying the flight?
Blake: Yeah it feels incredible,
(Y/n): Glad to hear it.
As we landed at the front of Beacon, he told me to go to class, but I stopped him.
(Y/n): What is it Blake? I then hugged him
Blake: Thanks and do you mind doing something for me?
(Y/n): Sure what is it? As he said that I told him to close his eyes. He closed them and I gave him peck on the lips.
Blake: Thank you (Y/n) for everything, and also I love you
(Y/n): Well I love you too Blake, well time for me to go later Blake.
He took off back to his home as I went back for class. While I went back for class my team was worried sick about me, including Weiss.
Ruby: Where have you been, we've been worried sick about you!
Yang: Yeah, don't scare us like that ever again! We thought you...as she looks down depressed
Blake: It's all right I'm fine, nothing bad happened.
Weiss: ........Welcome back Blake, and......I'm sorry.
Ruby: Told ya it wasn't so hard.
Weiss: Be quiet!
Yang: Hey Blake what that bulge you got there? *trying hard not to laugh*
Blake: ? Oh this. I pulled out my wallet It's my wallet.
WRY: *shocked*
Weiss: H-H-H-H-H-H-How did you get that money, the only way you could've gotten it is by *blushes darkly*
Yang: I didn't know you were in that much heat *snicker*
Ruby: What are you two talking?
Weiss: It's nothing! Nothing! I mean Nothing! She screamed.
Blake: Girls relax I got this money from someone who I like.
Yang: Wow never thought you'd get yourself a sugar daddy, think you can hook me up with him, or does he have a friend who's also a sugar daddy😏.
Weiss: *blushes on whole new levels* Yang!
Ruby: ? I have no clue what you two are talking about
Blake: Good because if you knew what they know, say goodbye to your innocence.
1 week later
(Y/n) POV
I was heading back to my house, and plan everything, for when I meet Blake and her team, because this was going to be a special holiday in which we all come together and celebrate the joy that is Thanksgiving. I prepared the food, desserts I even had to expand a bit on the dining table cause this had a lot ranging from different types of food, from seafood to desserts, I even got the cider ready. That's when I heard the doorbell.
(Y/n): Must be them. I went for the door and saw them Blake's team all looking at me, and Blake introduced me to them.
Blake: Here's my team from the right to the left is Ruby, Weiss, and Yang.
(Y/n): Good day to you all, and Happy Thanksgiving.
RWBY: Happy Thanksgiving!
Yang: So I hear you're quite the sugar daddy😏.
(Y/n): Sugar daddy?
Blake: Never mind her, anyway let's head inside
(Y/n): Right I lead them in and took them to the dining room. From there the whole team was in shock
Ruby: Did
Weiss: you make
Blake: all of
Yang: this?
(Y/n): Yep, Well help yourselves.
RWBY: Thank you for the food!
Ruby: These cookies taste amazing, *talking while she was chewing on the food*
Yang: Sis show some manners and aside from that he's a great cook, and a sugar daddy. Blake you better grab on tight😏.
Blake: *blush*
Weiss: It tastes amazing, I never had food like this.
(Y/n): Well thank you.
After the feast I took everyone's plates and went to the sink to wash them, and withit Blake followed along. What's up Blake? After I said that she started to kiss me. I also heard her purr a little, and I began to pat her head softly.
(Y/n): All right the dishes can wait, I pulled her in close and began making out with her, I soon broke with her leaving a thin line of saliva.
Blake: That was great.
(Y/n): Yeah it sure was.
Yang: It was quite the show to watch.
Blake: What are you doing here Yang?
Yang: I was gonna ask you to help me out with something but I see you're busy smooching. So have fun.
As Yang left, we turned to each other and I began to laugh, your team is something else.
Blake: Yea they are.
As we kissed one last time I told Blake
(Y/n): I love you my Kit Kat
Blake: I love you too bot boy.

(A/n): Well that's that sorry that there wasn't enough action in this as the rest of the stories, and it doesn't have that feel of any of the androids, but it's been a long time since I watched Dragonball sorry but I hope you still like it.
Ruby: Hey (A/n).
Marisa: Huh? Who're you da ze?
Ruby: I'm Ruby Rose, and who are you?
Marisa: I'm the ordinary witch, Marisa Kirisame, anyways I was given a task to destroy the 4th wall placed in this story so let's shatter it MASTER SPARK.
(A/n): No Marisa don't you dare!
Marisa: Too late fire away ze!  *fires laser*
(A/n): Dangit Marisa!
Ruby: That's a cool weapon can I see it please?!
Marisa: Sure here ya go ze!
Ruby: Wow how does it work?
Marisa: Easy you first whisper the words tenderly, and make it find the source of what your using which would be my mini-hakkero, next aim it at someone, and then unleash your annihilation of love! The word is Master Spark.
(A/n): No Ruby wai- gets blasted by the laser.
Marisa: Ruby I think you were supposed to aim somewhere else, besides the author.
Ruby: Sorry. Well I believe that's the end of this story please feel free to make a request, and if you want go see the other book that he's made. Now if you'll excuse me I'll take him to the hospital bye Marisa, hope we meet again sometime.
Marisa: Yeah right back at ya Ruby, this is farewell da ze! Marisa Kirisame, and Ruby Rose: Out, along with a knocked out Rekxyen. Oh yeah we almost forgot HAPPY THANKSGIVING!

Male Self Insert X Anime GirlsWhere stories live. Discover now