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as the tide breaths let go
of the pang they drove into your heart.
as the waves crash with the lonely sighs of the sea
sigh too and wash their laugh from your thoughts.

for did they ever lie on this soft sand
and dream of you
as you often dreamt of them,
blurring and confusing their face with the stars,
both infinitely glowing, cold and distant,
distorted ethereal beauties in the dark ripples of the water.

let your wishes for their warmth
trickle through your fingers
for soft insignificant grains that they were
still they have built into towers, mountains, castles in the sky
that your drowning soul cannot contain,
cannot bottle up in your already constricted heart

so let the memory of your love for them
slip below the waves
gently gently as you sigh

in and out

with the tide

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