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I hear whispering as I wake up. I am in the nurses office. "Where is Kai!" I ask. "He is in class," the nurse said softly. "I want Kai!" I scream. "Would you like me to go and get the office to call him down?" She asks softly again. "Yes please," I say as I calm down. Minutes later the nurse comes back with kai. "I will give you guys a moment." She says. "Have fun," the school nurse was very open about sex and how she was okay with it. Even tho she is a lesbian she doesn't care if people have sex in the Nurses office, as long as she is consulted first. "Maddi," Kai says. I put my finger over his lips. "Shhh," I say as I bite my lip. I see Kai grin. I kiss him. We make it to the bed and I get on top of him. "Are we seriously going t-," I put my lips back on his to shut him up. I stick my cold soft hands up his shirt. He flinches as he wraps his arms around my waist. I slip my tongue into his mouth. When I pull away I notice he has saliva on his lip. "You got something right there," I point out. Before he could wipe it away I kiss him again. I spread my legs over his and pull them closer. He kisses down my neck. There is a knock at the door. "Damnit!" I hear Kai slightly yell. "We have all day baby," I say sitting on him. I wipe my neck casually. "Come in!" I say. Kai starts to tickle me. "Ahhh stop!" I laugh kicking my feet. "Woah what happened!" Max laughs. "We were about to have sex till you came in," I laugh. Kai slaps me playfully. "No we were not," he says laughing. "Yea we were, I was on top of him and everything." I say wiping the saliva off if his lower lip. "Wow, okay we can go," Alex said laughing. "Nah it is okay, we can just go home." I say as I sit on his lap. "You sure?" Alex asks again. "Yea totally." Kai says. "Okay," max says. "Hey Senpai, can you grab my shoes?" I point to my shoes that were at the door. "Yea Senpai," she says laughing. She hands me my shoes. Kai has his phone out. Suddenly my phone buzzes.
Kai Lee ♥: we can message while they talk to us.
You: okay, I wanna do so many things to you.
Kai Lee ♥: hahahaha, really like what?
You: like I want you to fuck me so hard I cry. 😂😂
Kai Lee ♥: I could do that, but I could do it soft and slow so you can enjoy it. 💕
You: oh well I would rather cry.
Kai Lee ♥: really?!?
You: ya duh.
"Hello?" Alex asks trying to get our attention. "Huh. Oh sorry I am talking to my mom," I say. "And I am on IG," Kai says laughing. "Hmhm," Alex says. "So you don't mind if Me and Alex fuck on this bed?" Max asks laughing. "Go ahead." I respond lookin at my phone. He didn't respond to my message. "Okay, we will," Alex says smiling. "I have an idea!" Kai yells looking up from his phone. "What?" I ask. "Let's make you emo again and dye my hair Green!" He says excited. "Why?" I ask laughing. "Because no one can make you different now," he says squeezing my boob. I laugh. "Okay, Alex are you willing to do that for me?" I ask. "Totally," she says as I notice Max is on top of her. "Well you weren't kidding huh," I laugh. "Oh sorry," max gets off of her. "Its all good," I say as I grab my bag. "We should get going if we are going to do this. I say as I jump off Kai. "Okay," kai says getting down with me. "So Alex is going to change me, and you are going to get your hair dyed." I remind them. "Ya, ya I know," max says grabbing his Wallet. "Okay, see you in 2?" I ask. "Okay see you in 2," max says.
We walk to Alex's house when I hear her scream. "I forgot to buy the dye!!!" She says. "I have money I can go." I respond grabbing my wallet from my coat pocket. "No no it is okay," she says. "You go in and make yourself comfy. I will be back," she says. "Okay," I walk in and sit on the couch. I get a text from Kai.
Kai Lee ♥: hey have you started yet?
You: no, she forgot the Dye so I am waiting.
Kai Lee ♥: oh wanna talk?
You: sure call me!
Kai Lee ♥: okay
(Out of messaging)
I get a call from Kai. We talk for about 30 minutes about sex, life after school, then I heard it. "Mad will you be my girlfriend?" Over the phone. "Yes," I respond. The door opens and Alex walks in. "Babe I gotta go. Alex is here, love you baiii," I end the call when we say our goodbyes. "I m doing black with Electric Green tips." She says as she points to the Kitchen. "First we cut ur hair," she says.
She had just finished cutting my hair and getting the dye ready. "No going back now," she says putting it in my hair. We listen to Asking Alexandria. And a ton of other Alternative bands. "Okay now we wait for your hair, while we find some clothes other than these," she says standing me up. "We wear the sane size, PERFECT!" she says.

We make it to her room. She is throwing the clothes across the room. Until.. "Ah hah!" She says holding up an MCR T and some Black shorts with Net Leggings. "Do you want me to wear that?" I ask. "Yea," she tosses me the clothes. "Okay now we wait for my hair to finish.

Once my hair is done blow dried and styled into alternative hair. I change into the outfit and look in the mirror. "You look beautiful!" Alex exclaims. "Ha yea I guess," I say looking down
Max is driving to the salon because he has no fucking talent. "Are you excited to see the new Maddi?" He asks while we are at a stop light. "Ya, not that I don't love her now." I say looking out the window. "Okay," he drives when the light goes green.
We make it to the Salon. "Hello young men, whatcha need?" I can hear a very feminine voice ask. I look over and it is a guy, not that it surprised me but a little warning would have been nice. "Yea, he wants green in his hair," max points to me. "Oh well I am Kurt, you are?" He looks at us. "I am Max, this here is Kai," he says putting his hand on my shoulder. "Are you two dating?" He looked kinda sad. "No we have girlfriends." Max says back. "Oh well sit over there," he points over to the empty chair. "Okay," I say as I sit my ass down.
We finish my hair and Max pays. "You look epic!" Max says. "Let me see," I turn around and see myself in the mirror. Wow.. "Okay, you can go now," that man Kurt is very Sturm to me. "Bye," I leave. "I just got a text from Alex, she wants to meet at the park in 10," he says as we jump into the car.

 "I just got a text from Alex, she wants to meet at the park in 10," he says as we jump into the car

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We drive to the park and I see Alex. But no Maddi. "Alex, where is Maddi?" Max says reading my mind as we walk towards her and a girl. "I am Maddi," I hear her voice. "Mad!" I say as I run up and hug her. "Wow, you are excited to see me," she chuckles. "You look.. AMAZING!" I say kissing her cheek. "Well so do you." She wraps her arms around my head. "I missed you," she says as she kisses me intently. "Hey there are children at this park!" I hear some mom yell. "Its not like we are Fucking each other, calm your tits," I scream back at her. "Language, I will tell your mother," she says walking up to me. "Ouch, guess what, I don't have one," I say pretending to be hurt. "Well then your father," she says folding her arms. "No father, Grandma, Grandpa, no one, but her," I point to Maddi as I say that. She waves her hand. "I really don't like you being do mean to him, he is broken and you yelling at him like a bitch doesn't help," she says kissing my cheek. "Well just watch what you do," she says walking away. "Will do ma'am," Max says as Maddi jumps on me, she starts to kiss me. "Is this too much for you?" She asks. "Fine," she says as she takes her child with her to the other side of the park. "We are heading home, you'll be okay alone righ?" Alex asks. "Yea we will." Maddi says.
Like five minutes after they leave start to make out on a tree. Her in my arms. I had her against the tree. "We should uh, go home.." She says as she looks around. I look around at all the children staring at us. "Sorry, um we will go," Maddi says jumping out of my arms. "Wait," I say as I grab her arm. "I love you will you go to prom with me?" I ask. "Yes I will," she kisses my cheek and we leave.

Sorry it took so long, it is here tho, btw prom will be next chapter, kinda a jump but you don't miss anything it is just a week jump.. Japan you enjoyed!!

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