My Abusive Love pt.3

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~with you and jacob~

You and jacob arrived at his house an hour and 20 minutes later. You were amazed at how big his house was. He showed you around. He gave you a key to one of the rooms in the house so you could rest why you were there. He then began to talk.

Him- are you okay?

You- yeah I'm Gucci I mean she ain't leave no marks on me so it's whatever.

Him- man I wish I was there to ta-gco

You- no you don't need to be in that... I mean thanks for caring but it's none of your concern.

Him-I know but I wanna help. I just wanna be there for you tho.

You- thanks but no thanks because I don't think you can change the things that happened to me.

Him- your right.. I'm sorry. :/

You- it's ok but thanks for caring.

Him- your welcome... but if you or the baby need anything I'm here ok?


Him-*hugs u*

You-*hugs back*

You and jacob cuddled the rest of the night. Then y'all fell asleep in each others arm that night. You felt safe in his arms. And he was glad that he had you there....

:::::::::::5 weeks later::::::::

You and jacob were now going out. Your mom wasn't so upset any more about what went down. But your sister has changed alot since the fight.. But today you and jacob were going on a date.

You- baby do I look good in this dress?

Him- yes u look fine.

You- well thank you baby! *kisses him*

Him-*kisses back*

You- well I'm gonna go finish getting dressed!

Him- ok... *turns on the tv*

When you were upstairs getting dressed your phone was downstairs going off non stop. Jacob looked at the phone and seen that it said "unknown". He just let it ring. When you came downstairs you seen that Jacob had dosed off on the couch. You smiled at how cute he looked when he was sleeping then you picked up your phone and seen several missed calls from "unknown" number. As you were about to call it back your phone went off. "Hello?" You said..

???- he's running out of time.

You- who are you talking about?

???- Your bitch ass boyfriend....

You- Taylor?

???- yea... see he owes me money that I didn't get...

You- what money?

???- see he has been selling drugs since the two and a half years y'all have been together. Today I sent him to get my orders and he ducked it all up. I didn't get all of my money... and when I don't get all my money that person pays for it.

You- so your saying that yo-gco

???- yes I'm gonna kill him.. you still have time to save him... but the clock is ticking....

You-*holds phone while covering mouth and shaking your head*

???-*hangs up*

You-*drops the phone*

Jacob-*wakes up and runs to you* are u ok?

You- they're gonna kill him....

Jacob- who's gonna kill who?

You- Some drug dealer is gonna kill Taylor.

Jacob- well what are you gonna do?

After Jacob said that you ran upstairs and changed. You tracked the call and see. That the boys were 30 minutes away.... you drove and drove until you reached the building. But as you approached the building you heard numerous gin shots go off. You then paused in your footsteps... 5 minutes later several masked dudes ran out the building with guns in their hands. One looked at you and pulled you aside.

???- best thing for you to do is stay out of the way of what's going on if you have nothing to do with it... or these boss will make you pay...

You-*nodding in agreement*

After that you ran in the building to see Taylor laying in a pool of blood with several bullet whales in his body... you then screamed and fell down beside him......

~12 minutes later~

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