My Abusive Love pt.2

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The next day you were woken up by a shocking ass phone call from Taylor. You were nervous at first but you took a deep breath and answered the phone. "Hello" you said in a nervous voice. As he began to talk you got weaker and weaker and more and more scared because of the things he was saying to you. You then started to cry silently.

Taylor- and when I find you... *laughs* your gonna wish your ass never left my sight you little hoeing ass bitch..

You- Taylor how am I a hoe when I was the one raped by my supposed to be "boyfriend". Now I'm the one suffering because I'm gonna be raising a baby on my own.

Taylor- fuck you and that baby bitch. Both of y'all can die and burn in hell..

You-*crying* one day your gonna regret those words when you need me... but know I won't be there to save you... No not this time! *hangs up*

After you hung up you wiped hour tears and watched as your little sister walked in the kitchen.. you then spoke... "you ready?" You asked. "Yes" she said. You guys were going to school for the first time in California.... You drove 35 mins to get to the school. When you guys got there y'all we're amazed at how big the building was. People looked at y'all funny but mostly you because of your little baby bump. They smiled and whispered things in each others ears about you. But you just thought "fuck these people. But if one of them come off I'm beating ass regardless of me being pregnant". You walked to your first period class and so did your sister.

:::::::in your first period class:::::::::

Random dude- hi I'm-gco

You- I know who you are. I met you around the neighborhood yesterday

Him- oh that was you... I knew you looked familiar.

You- your that Jacob dude right?

Him- yes. And those are my friends ra-gco

You- I know I know. We don't have to go through it again

Him- alright ma. No need to be feisty.

You-whatever.. *starts writing*

Him-*sits down smiling and starts writing*

Class went on for another hour and 30 minutes. After first period you went to second then lunch. For lunch you,Jacob,his friends, and your sister went yo subway and bought sandwiches and ate lunch on the park near school. After lunch y'all had 2 classes left. School ended at exactly 3:20 p.m. you and your sister went y'all separate ways.

:::::::at the house::::::

You were sitting at the table doing your home work when your mom dad and sister walked in. Your mom was mad as hell. Your sister had a bruise on face.

Your mom- what the hell Yn.

You- what did I do?

Your mom- why did you let Nia (your sister) out your sight?

You- I told her to stay with me but her lil grown ass wanted to hang with those group of girls I specifically told her not yo hang with.

Your sister- bitch don't lie on me like that. *putting her hair up*

You-*stands up from the table* who you calling a bitch first off?

Your mom- both of y'all shut the hell up!

Your sister- you bitch!

You- you know what.. *sits down* im not gonna eve-gco

Your sister- exactly sit your loud mouth ass down. You fucking hoe. That's why your pregnant now bitch and-gco

You-*punches her in the mouth*

Your sister-*grabs your hair*

You-*punching her*

Your dad-*pulling your sister*

Your mom-*pulling you*

You-*kicks your sister in the face* bitch I thought I told you to keep yo mouth closed. But it'll be shut for a while now...

Your sister-*pushes you on the floor*

Your dad-*pulling her* let go of her yn!

You-*pulling her hair then punches her one more time* bitch

Your sister-*wipes the blood from her mouth*


You-*walks away*

You went upstairs ans started thinking about what went down and called Jacob. He was surprised at what happened. He wanted to see you but you forgot that you were grounded so you snuck out the window.

~with you and jacob~

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