Chapter 6

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"Real family?" Kaitlyn chuckled sarcastically. "I didn't have 'real family' except my fucking mother which is dead now." She said cringing at the scene coming back into her mind.

"Do you really call that monster your family?" JungKook asked in a sad tone looking at the girl who had her head down, she didn't want anyone to see her wet eyes.

"Yes. She was a monster, but she had some good moments." Kaitlyn said agreeing with some of what he said, followed by a sniff.

Jin's eyes widened. "Is the tough girl crying?" He slightly teased.

Kaitlyn quickly raised her head, as she felt her eyes drying, and her middle finger. "I don't cry." She said shortly even though she is extremely sensitive she had endured a lot and held her cry in.

"That's not what Jimin described when he saw you after he killed your mother." Jin teased again smiling innocently.

"HE KILLED HER?!" Kaitlyn yelled wishing that she stabbed him while she had the chance.

"No shit Sherlock." JungKook answered having a poker face on. "She wasn't your real mother anyways." He added trying to cheer her up.

"What the fuck are you saying?" She asked starting to get confused. Jin crossed his arms and sighed.

"What Juan-I mean JungKook is trying to say is that she wasn't your real mother, as she is a complete human." He started. "She's a full human, you're a vampire hybrid. Your father was a human and your mother was a vampire, once he discovered you weren't a human, he left you and your mother, growing up your real mother couldn't take full care of you so she got a babysitter for your ass- you, till she thinks you're capable of meeting her in reality and getting rid of that babysitter- this is getting confusing I think I should stop." Jin added while scratching his scalp nervously.

"What. The. Actual. Fuck." Kaitlyn didn't believe a word. "Vampires aren't real you dumbass" She laughed at the pink haired boy in front of her.

"Fine don't believe me, let's get you to the infirmary now." Jin said not wanting to continue the conversation. He knew he could just turn into a bat and show her but he chose to keep it small.

"Yeah I don't want to die because of you assholes." Kaitlyn said rolling her eyes and walking before them. Stomping into the puddles of water slashing it everywhere. The boys followed her but hastily dominating the way.

"Follow us" JungKook ordered her as they turned around one of the corners.

"Damn this place is big." Kaitlyn let her eyes wander around, she walked at a slower pace and then she looked at the boys who were far ahead. "Fuck" She said as she was starting to lose them. She quickened her pace and started running at some point. "What good kidnappers, they leave me alone" She sarcastically noted. Kaitlyn could run away but she started to feel her insides burn from the drug that was sprayed earlier.

"WAIT FOR M-" She tripped on her shoe laces and fell. Groaning she rose from her position looking at her dirty, red converse. "For fuck's sake they're never tied." She told herself but not tying them anyway.

JungKook and Jin tried to hold their laugh in as Kaitlyn approached them.

"Do you want me to-" Jin was silenced by Kaitlyn's finger on his plump lips. She glared at him as he sighed.

"I don't need help from anyone, not even in tying my shoes." She assured Jin. JungKook was becoming more impatient by the second.

"Can we proceed our way now?" He asked getting angry yet keeping a fake smile on. "I don't have all day." He added starting to walk before them.

"Jesus, someone's grumpy." Kaitlyn rolled her eyes at JungKook before she traipsed after them.

"Says the one who doesn't even want us to help." JungKook chuckled entering the infirmary. He opened some cabinets before finding the medicine he needed.

"Come here." He ordered looking at Kaitlyn then turning his look back to the medicine. He grabbed a spoon and spilled the medicine, filling it. Kaitlyn walked over to him and he extended his arm wanting to feed her but she formed a disgusted face.

"What are you doing?" Kaitlyn inquired of JungKook. JungKook gave her a confused expression.

"Giving you the medicine..?" He said doubting himself. "Is it wrong?" He added.

"No bunny, I can take the medicine by myself." Kaitlyn said earning a pout from JungKook.

"First, don't call me that. Second, I just wanted to help." JungKook defended himself frowning.

Kaitlyn took the spoon from JungKook's pale hand into her own palms giving it a look of repugnance. The two boys look at her patiently waiting for her to wrap her lips around the spoon.

"We don't have the whole day." Jin said crossing his arms over his chest. Kaitlyn glared at him but moved the medicine filled spoon closer to her mouth, licking it, then filling her mouth with the substance.

"Let's go now you have to meet your mother." JungKook's voice filled the infirmary.

"She's dead though." Kaitlyn replied.

"I meant your real mother." JungKook corrected himself.

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