Chapter Seventeen - The Water God

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We started walking slowly back to my house. It seemed to take forever as all I could focus on was my hand held in his, the concrete path I was walking on barefoot and the sound of my breathing and his.

I realised I have reached an epiphany, a cross section as such. Do I tell Derek about Holly? If I did, he wouldn’t choose her which left me, his only option. If I didn’t tell him about her, the love potion Holly might have in the future will mean I will lose Derek forever, but will also leave me free of any legend, so I can live my life the way I choose to. Not to mention this sudden water power of mine. 

What do I want then?

My mind was racing, I could feel myself heat up. My thoughts started blurring together, my palms started beading with sweat and I had the sudden urge to run far far away from Derek and the situation altogether. It was my flight instead of fight reaction.

“What’s wrong?” His deep honey voice filled with concern waffled above me.

I tried my best to gather my bearings but ended up replying with a slight stutter.

“I’m fine. I’m okay. All good.” 

“You don’t look okay. We are nearly there.” 

I kept my gaze straight ahead and increased my pace despite the painful jabs of the cobblestones on my bare feet. He only held my hand tighter and kept pace with me. 


I settled down in my couch with a fuzzy mohair blanket and a mug of steaming hot chocolate in my hand. The fire place was lit, thanks to Derek, and now I could feel the heat slowly invade and warm my body, right to the bones. Derek sat on the single adjacent couch with a serious and surprisingly intimidating emotionless face. We sat there in silence for a few minutes until I decided to break it.

“Do you want to start talking now or...later?” 

Oh gee, great way to break the ice Blair. That’s pure talent right there. 

He remained expressionless but directed his eyes to mine. 

“What will you tell me then?”

I hesitated this time. He knew I didn’t want to tell him everything, which surprised me. I guess he knew me better than I had initially thought. I decided that the best way might be to act dumb, so I did exactly that.

“Uh, what do you mean?”

His stormy sea blue eyes grew colder as he looked away from me. His jaw hardened.

“Cut the crap Blair.”

I didn’t know what to say. I’ve never seen this side of him before, and truth be told, it scared me. More silence came. 

I couldn’t handle it.

“Do you know anything?” I asked him quietly.

His features softened and replied in a gentler voice. 

“No, not enough. I’m confused. Care to explain?” He joked a little.

“Um do you have super powers? Because I think  I do.” I blurted out.

Good one, I didn’t even answer his question so I continued.

“Yeah, sure, I’ll explain what I can.” I added.

He froze momentarily. 

“What do you mean super powers?” His croaked. 

“I uh something related to water?” 

“You’re not meant to show signs of that until..” He stopped. 


He shook his head and looked at me. I lost myself once again in his beautiful deep eyes now swirling with hints of green. 

“You’ll find out soon enough.” This time his rich voice caused my heart to flutter slightly. 

I shifted on the couch, suddenly feeling uncomfortable. I realised time was really running out. 

“Okay then. Is it normal?” 

“It’s normal for us. Don’t worry about it for now. So what happened?” 

I still haven’t decided whether to tell him the whole story or not. My feelings towards Derek were definitely there but I don’t think I am ready to commit, especially with Holly around. What to do?

“I’m not ready to tell you right now.” 

Disappointment coloured his whole face and body. His whole posture slumped. 

“Alright, well, you should be okay for now. I have told the police that you’re safe. Your mum will be coming home soon.” And with that he got up, still looking incredibly handsome, and walked out of my house. 

Confusion still filled my mind as I tried to decipher my options, along with this newly discovered power of mine. Seriously, what do I do?

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