Chapter Five - The Water God

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Months passed.

Life was going pretty well. Chloe and I grew closer and closer, I’m proud to say now. Chloe’s my best friend. My first best friend.

I’m lucky, friends are hard to find. Best friends are even harder.

It was now Semester Two, the beginning.

“Blair.” Chloe whined.

“Chloe, you know I will never ever do it!” I groaned.

“Please.” Chloe showed me her pleading face.

It always made me feel bad, and she knew it. I grimaced.

“Please Blair! Otherwise I’ll be all myself...pleeeeeaaaaassssseeeeee.” 

“Ugh, fine then!” I very, very reluctantly gave in. 

Summer Sports Carnival was tomorrow, I wasn’t ‘planning’ to participate in anything. 

Although I do normally participate in this activities I just didn’t feel like it. Lately, the sea has been giving me off this feeling...I can’t describe’s like I feel...a...connection with the’s probably something to do with me being ‘destined’ to become the next Water God’s wife or something...

BUT! I am determined to fool this legend. It can’t be that hard, how can they know what my real birthday is anyway? My plan is going to be a legend in it’s self. 

The sports carnival was going to be held at the beach, so you see why. 

Chloe grinned brightly. 

“Yay! Thankyou, thankyou, thankyou Blair! I love you so much!” She clapped her hands and turned to the notice board and wrote my name down, under hers.

I frowned in my head. Oh well.

Chloe always does heaps of activities at the carnival but there has always been one activity she wanted to do, but never got the nerve to do it. 

Now she has me, so...yeah...

It was diving. I shuddered uncontrollably. Ever since I found out the legend, I didn’t go into the sea once. I walked on the sand and all but not into the water. It’s like, if I go in, I’ll never be able to get out of it’s grasp...

ANYWAY, diving was held in a little cave area near the steeper cliffs. Supposedly there’s this nice little cove there were the waters are really calm. It was nearly still. The water was also extremely clear so you could see all kinds of beautiful fish, plants and other sea creatures. 

It was a fantastic experience and only the braver people from school participated. As it was quite a bit dangerous too. Sharks, stingrays and other dangerous creatures have been spotted there so...

I was only doing this for Chloe. I stood there waiting for her to hurry up and write my name. She was peering closely at the list.

“Hey look! Derek’s doing diving again too. He does it like every year so, not much of a surprise...”

My mouth popped in shock, oh hell no. I am NOT going to do this now. Stuff being a considerate best friend.

She looked up at me nervously. Her hand clamped over her mouth.

“Uh yeah, forgot to mention it before...”

I reached out to grab the pen out of her hands. 

“Nah! too late now! You promised!!” Her hands were closed tightly around the pen. 

I stopped and just stared at her.

“I’m sorry...” 


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