The Audition

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(At the top is your dress for the audition and this is Asa when you meet him.) 

And finally the chapter starts :)

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..............................And finally the chapter starts :)..............................


I park my car outside the building and take a look at myself in the car mirror before getting out. I smooth my dress, take a look around and realize that there are so many other cars parked. When I get inside the building, I wait in the waiting room for about 30 minutes before a young lady, who looked like she was in her early 30s, came up to me.

"Y/N L/N?" she asks.

"Yes ma'am." I reply. She smiles and leads me to a room where 3 people are seated at a table. On the left and right are men, and in between them is a pretty woman with dirty  blonde hair. I immediately  recognize the man on the left as Tim Burton. The woman stands up and shakes my hand, so do the men.

"My name is Maria Kingsley, I am the assistant director of this film." the woman said, "This is Tim Burton, the director, and this is Mark Rowland, the producer." she says, gesturing to her left and right. I say hello to both of them.

"Whenever you're ready." Tim says. I nod and take a deep breath. Then, I say the lines that I've practiced over and over for the last few weeks. When I'm done, all Mark and Maria look stunned, while Tim has a smile as big as Russia.

"Have you ever acted in a movie before?" Maria asks.

"No, just ads and a few TV shows." I say.

"Well, I don't want to make any promises, but I just want to say that I see potential in you, kid." Tim says. I couldn't believe it. TIM FREAKING BURTON JUST SAID I HAD POTENTIAL!! On the outside, I'm cool and calm, but inside, I'm freaking out.

"Thank you!" I exclaim.

"No problem." Tim winks.

"We will discuss, and you should get a message whether you made it for callbacks or not." Mark says. I nod and walk out of the room.  On my way out, I see the lady who led me to the audition room again. I give her a little wave and she waves back.

~~~~~~Time skip to her apartment brought to you by my laziness~~~~~~

When I get inside my apartment, the first thing I do is call my mom. My mom is my confidant, my best friend, and I tell her everything. She picks up on the 3rd ring.

"I'm guessing this has something to do with that audition of yours." she says.

"You know me so well, mother." I giggle.

"Well, what can I say, you are my daughter. So, tell me what happened."


"Woah, slow down, honey."

"Tim Burton was impressed with me, mom! He said I had potential!"

"That's amazing Y/N! You know, I really think this movie is gonna be your big break."


"Yes. Sorry, I have to go, your sister is making a mess of her lunch."

I giggle, say bye, and hang up the phone. Even as I shower, eat dinner, and brush my teeth, one question stays in my mind.

Could this be my big break? Could this make me famous?


YAYYYYYY!!! Chapter 1! I hope you guys like this. Again, any criticism and ideas are welcome below, no hate please! So... yeah. See you in the next chapter! 

Asa Butterfield x reader (Tend to the Flames)Where stories live. Discover now