Florida: Part 1

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Okay, so if you didn't know, the lil' cutie up there is Nicholas Oteri, who plays 6 year old Jacob in the movie, and he is actually the cutest person on Earth (after Asa, of course). He is going to be in this part of the story, so I wanted you guys to know what he looks like.


Asa's POV

I arrive at the airport a few minutes before Fathiya and Y/N. They come  in laughing and talking, and they both seem so comfortable with each other. I'm glad Y/N has made a friend on set. Of course, as soon as Y/N steps in the kids are automatically drawn to her like a magnet. I wait until they all leave her, and then approach her.

"Hey Y/N, hey Fathiya!" I say.

"Hey!" she says, giving me an awkward wave.

"Hey." Fathiya smiles.

"So, how are you guys feeling about this whole acting in a movie thing?" I ask.

"I still can't believe it!" Y/N says.

"Yeah," Fathiya agrees , "It's like an awesome dream that I really don't want to wake up from." she giggles.

"Our flight leaves in 15 minutes!"  I hear Finlay shout.

"Come on, we better go." I say to the girls. We get our bags and passports checked and then walked out of the airport.

"Wait... isn't our plane supposed to be.. huh?" Y/N says, looking confused.

"Ever been on a private plane before?" I chuckle. Y/N's face goes from puzzled to amazement.

Even though I've been through this before, I can totally understand her awe. The plane is sleek, white, and looks like something the president would fly in.

"No way! A private plane!" she squeals. Fathiya and her freak out. We get into the plane and I plop next to Finlay. Y/N is the three seater across from me, she's on the edge with Nicholas to her left and Fathiya on her far left. Everyone settles down and the pilot announces that our flight will be taking off in 5 minutes. For those 5 minutes, I chat with Finlay. During the flight, Nicholas falls asleep on Y/N. She giggles and adjusts him so he sleeps better.

"Attention passengers, we will be landing in 3 minutes." I hear the pilot say.

Florida, here we come....

We land, collect our baggage, and head outside the airport.

"Everyone will be taking separate cars to the hotel, so look for the driver with your name on it." I hear Tim say. Y/N, Lauren, and the Odwell twins are in the same car. I'm in a car with Finlay, Raffi, Nicholas, and Eva Green. Once we get there, we all check into our rooms. Turns out that we have 3 floors all to ourselves. The girls on the top, boys below them, and the directors, producers, and other people who boss us around are below us. The rest of the floors are left to the public. Thankfully, we don't get mobbed by any fans, but I'm sure once they get word that we're here, they'll  swarm around us like bees around their queen.

"Hey man, seems like we're sharing a room." Finlay says. I nod and head into the room. When I get inside, I discover that it is not a hotel room, but a suite with two bedrooms. Finlay chooses one and I get the other. After we unpack, I change into some more comfy clothes and meet everyone downstairs in the lobby.

 "Okay everyone, today is your day to go out and explore Miami, because we start filming tomorrow." Mark says.

"Also, don't forget to practice your lines and get to know some of the other cast members a little better, you know, get some chemistry flowing if you know what I mean." Maria says, winking at Y/N and I. Y/N giggles, her face a pale pink.

"Off you go!" Tim exclaims, and with that everyone goes their separate ways. Finlay takes Fathiya by the arm.

"M'lady, would you mind accompanying me on a voyage throughout the wonderful city of Miami?" he asks.

"Don't mind if I do!" Fathiya giggles.

"You coming Asa?" Finlay asks.

"Yeah." I tell him, and grab a hold of Y/N's hand. I feel her freeze and wonder if I did something wrong.

"Sorry." I say, and pull my hand away.

"N-no it's okay, really." Y/N says. I nod, but I don't really feel confident enough to hold her hand again, so we just follow Fathiya and Finlay, but walk side by side.

We make small talk, but eventually Y/N and I just keep quiet. I really don't want things to be awkward between us, but Y/N isn't used to having a celebrity around her, but I understand. It would be really bad if she froze on set because she was shocked or something. I guess I have to do something to break the ice, but what?


Here is Chapter 3! Shoutout to @theendermanqueen and @moon_lightsky for supporting my story and commenting on the last two parts. You guys are the best!!! I wanted to do something different and write in Asa's POV for this chapter. I won't write in Asa's POV a lot, because I find it more comfortable to write as the reader. Tell me what you think about the story so far, and don't be afraid to give me some ideas down in the comments! See you in the next chapter!

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