Chapter 2

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Nycki's POV

I finally get to school, and I walk into the building and my locker, I try to put my combination in to open it

Bethany walks up to her locket

"Hey" she says

"Hi" I say breathing heavy

"Are you having a asthma attack?" She asked

"No, I uh jogged to school" I say trying to catch my breath

"You jogged?, I haven't seen you ran/jogged since middle school" Bethany joked

I'm still trying to open my locker, but it's not working

"Hey, what did the doctor say about your hand?" Bethany asked

"She said, that it's not broken, nothing is wrong with it" I say

"It's not even sprained?" She asked

"Nope, she had me looking stupid in front of my mom" I say still trying

"That's can't be possible, the way you were screaming sound like a monster truck ran over your hand" Bethany says

"Ugh!" I groan punching my locker making a small dent

"But I see it healed" Bethany say

"This Stupid Locker!" I say

"Let me try" Bethany says putting in my combination and opening my locker

"Thanks" I mumbled

I put away my stuff in my locker, and closed it

I turn around to see some jocks and cheerleaders, walking by, but there's was only one jock that caught my attention, Ethan

I felt everything go in slow motion, i smile at warm feeling in my back, I felt like a butterfly using its wings for the first time, Ethan smiled back

"Nycki?" Bethany days

Everything goes back into fast motion

"What?" I say till kind daydreaming

"The bell rung, Let's go or we're going to be late" Bethany says

I don't move, I'm still daydreaming about Ethan

"C'mon!" She says taking my hand


I'm in the hall and I'm trying to look for Bethany, she went to bathroom during 4th hour but never came back

Right Now I'm trying to squeeze through this huge crowd that's blocking the entrance of the cafeteria

I finally squeeze past couple of people, and I see why there was a crowd, I see two big football players, one wearing a red shirt and the other a blue shirt

Red shirt swings his arm and punches blue shirt in the face, I try to back away, but didn't really work since were pushing to get closer, I felt my heart beat gets faster

The crowd pushed me and landed onto the floor, I try to crawl away but blue shirt lands on me, crushing my legs

"Get off of me!" I cried

But nobody really heard since, people was yelling, and teachers was trying to break it up

Red shirt walks gets on top of blue shirt, and start to punch him, but blue shirt ducked his head

Everything goes into slow motion, and I see Ethan tackle red shirt onto the ground

Ethan stood up and blue shirt up, he then picked me up bridal style and carried me to the nurse office

(Nursing Office)

"Are you okay?" He asked

"Yeah, my leg hurts a little" I say

"I'll go get the nurse" he says getting ready to leave

"No, I probably just sprained it" I say getting up

I lost balance a little bit, but I fell into his arms

"I'm sorry" I say looking into his eyes

"It's Okay" he says looking into mine

"I better get going" I say walking around him

"Wait" he says

I turn to him. "Did you eat lunch?" He asked

I shook my head no, he dug into his pocket pulling out a cereal bar and giving it to me

"Thanks" I smiled grabbing the cereal bar out of his hand

And I walked out the nursing office

(5th Hour)

Since Lunch is Over, I had to go to my 5th hour class, but I felt like everyone is going to just talk about what happen yesterday, so I decided to just skip 5th hour just for today, and take a walk around the school

While taking a while walk, I found myself outside where the boys gym class are playing football

I walk onto the bleachers, I sit down and watch the boys play football

Somebody got tackled, and I pain shot up to my head

"Ow" I mumbled touching my head

I look up to see #8 running towards the woods behind our school, I feel my hear beat pick up

My vision turns white, I then see #8 take off his helmet, it's Ethan

His face turns really pale, he squeezed his eyes shut and reopened them but they were red, I see black veins showing on his face, he start to scream from the pain

I begin to feel pain, shooting to my neck, back and face, I also start to scream from the pain

He bury his face into his face, he gripped onto his hair, he then pound his hands onto the ground

He then opened his mouth and fangs grew out his mouth, he fall onto his knees and covered his face with his arms

My vision comes back, and the whole boys gym class staring at me

"Hey, are you okay?" One of the boys asked me

I stood up and walked off the bleachers

Thanks 4 Reading

The first time I wrote this chapter, my phone frozen and restarted and everything got deleted, and believe when i tell you it was very stressful trying to remember what was in this chapter the first time

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