ch 2: research

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Nycki's POV

Soon as school was over, I ran home since I couldn't wait for my dad to come pick me up, I run up the stairs and into my room, I flopped onto my bed

Thinking of day I just had, and what I saw with Ethan, oh my god I think I'm going crazy, he did not look human

What in the world is he?

I looked at my laptop, I grabbed it from my dresser and sat it on my bed, I opened it, and got on Google

And typed in "supernatural creatures" and I clicked enter

I looked at the list that showed up on my screen , of vampires, werewolves, fairies, witches and zombies

Am I actually considering, that Ethan is a any of this things, only one way to really figure out

I clicked on the first website, and read the first paragraph

"This is crazy" I say pushing the lap top away a little

"It's a Thursday Night, I probably need take breather and call Bethany and see if she want to hang" I say grabbing my phone and clicking her contact

Her phone rung, but she eventually picked up


"Hey, Bethany!"

"Hi Nycki What's Up?"

"Nothing, I wanted to know if you want to hang at my house?"

"Nycki, I'm on a date with Jacob"

"Right, I forgot you told me that"

"I can cancel, if something is wrong"

"No, nothing is wrong, have fun with Jacob and I want to hear all of the details tomorrow"

"OK, Bye Nycki"

"Bye Bethany"

I hung up and looked over at my laptop, I decided to go downstairs to see my mom in the kitchen

"Hey Mom" I say hoping onto the counter

"Hey Baby, How was school?" She asked

"Fine" I say

I was not about to tell her the crazy day I had

"Whatcha doing?" I asked

"Trying to figure out what to make for dinner" she says

"What would you like?" She asked

"Medium Rare Steaks" I say

"That's very funny, I'm going to make sure its vegan related, but your dad is kinda tired of the vegan theme foods" she says

"But that gives me a bright idea, vegan steaks" she says grabbing her tablet and walking into the living room

I looked over a the counter, to see some steaks already sitting out, I can smell the raw blood dipping from it

I'm tempted to just lick the blood off the steaks, I feel shook that feeling off of me and went back upstairs to my room

I laid back on bed, and pulled my laptop towards me, I start reading more about these supernatural creatures

I woke to pressure on my chest, I look around to see the lights are turned off , I must have fell asleep reading about supernatural creatures

I look up on my ceiling to see a person on my ceiling, when I was about to scream, the person flew down, on top of me covering my mouth

"Shhhh" he says

I noticed his red eyes and fangs

"You smell wonderful" he whispered softly kissing my neck

My heart beat picked up, I squeeze my eyes shut

"Don't worry I'll make this quick" he says

I then feel the pressure on my chest, goes away, I open my eyes to see two people fight, I can see it going in slow and fast motion

I can't really see who it is, since the only light source is from out my window

They stopped fighting, when one for them fell onto the floor

"Go Home!" The one standing up

The guy stood up and flew out the window, the other walked up to me

I finally got a closer look at the guy

"Ethan?" I sighed

"It's okay, just go back to sleep" he says calmly laying me back down

He rubs my hair, and kiss me on the forehead

He then flew out window

I close my eyes, and took a deep breath

Happy Thanksgiving!
Thanks 4 Reading!

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