Chapter 7

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Nycki's POV

I jolted up, breathing hard I look around to see I'm in Ethan's room, but

I turn my head to see Ethan

"Nycki!" He says running towards me

"Ethan!" I smiled

He pulled me into hug and I hugged back

"You're Okay!" He says in relief

"Yeah" I say

I turn my head to look out the window to see the storm is gone, the sky is perfectly blu with white clouds with some birds

"We did it!, the storm is gone" I say excited

"Nycki, we got rid of the storm three days ago" Ethan says

"3 days?!, what happened?" I asked

"You got struck by lightening and you've been unconscious ever since" he says showing me the lightening shape scar under my collar bone

"But it's alright cause I'm fine, I feel fine" I say

Ethan was staring into my eyes like he was trying to tell if i was lying

"Ethan, you can feel when I'm lying and I'm not" I say

"I know" he says pulling me into another hug

"I'm just so happy your okay" he says

"Yo Ethan, Oh Nycki? Your Up!" Grayson says

"What's Up Gray?" Ethan asked

"Meeting downstairs" he says walking away

Ethan helped me up and I noticed I was wearing a really oversized black tee

We walked downstairs into the living room, where everyone was

"Oh look it!, Nycki is alive" Princess Alissa says

"Your still here?" I asked

"Don't try to sound excited" she says

I crossed my arm

"We was suspose to leave yesterday but my father misplaced​ his compass" she says

I notice that she's wearing a pink gown

I notice that she's wearing a pink gown☆

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"What are you wearing?" I asked

"I'll explain if you let me speak" she says

I sit down next to Katie and Ethan sat next to me

"I am happy to announce that I am being wedded by Ethan and this dress is my wedding dress" she smile twirling around

My jaw dropped, to be honest all of our jaw dropped, even Prince Jeremy

"Oh Hell Naw!" I say

"Uh I don't remember proposing" Ethan says

"You didn't, I asked my parents and they said it was fine" she says

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