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Rose's p.o.v.:

Rose was reading peacefully in her favorite nook of the old oak tree when her mothers yell penetrated the lazy calm of the warm summer morning.

"Rose, you were supposed to do your chores an hour ago! Do you hear me? Rose!"

"Yes mama, I heard you." I said carefully polite

"You aren't reading that waste of paper again are you?" mama said suspiciously

"No mama, i'm reading a story I found in Grandmother's attic, i'll be down in a moment!" I said impatiently

"You better get down here immediately, young lady! This is the last straw! Girls reading novels, the very idea, it is simply scandalous!"

Rose sighed very deeply, as if she could pull the cooling breeze all the way to her small feet. My mother gets very tiring sometimes, she thought as she climbed down from the ancient oak tree. Well, if i'm being honest, she gets tiring all the time. I guess I shouldn't complain, some children have no families. I guess I better get started on my dull chores, she thought.

As she walked as slowly as a fifteen year old girl could, she heard a cry of alarm from the house. Rose paused for a Milli-second, then dashed up to the cozy two-story grey cottage as fast as her legs could carry her, and burst through the worn wooden door. She saw a strange man dressed formally in army attire at the door, and her mother shaking in a chair, holding back tears. Aghast, she turned to her distraught mother and said,

" Mama, what on earth has happened!"

"R-Rosalie, you may need to sit down. As you may know, there have been recent tensions between the countries of Serbia and Austria-Hungary. These tensions have resulted in a declaration of war."

"But mama, how does this affect us? Its just a war between two warring countries, right?"

"I am sorry, Rosalie, but I am afraid that the world as we know it, is coming to an end. And the beginning of the end starts with the war. "

"What! The whole world cannot be at war! That's impossible!" Rose replied, shocked

"It is August 13th, today right?"

"Yes, mama, how  is that relevant?"

"Y-your brother will explain" her trembling mother told her shocked daughter

"Brother? My brother isn't here, he is in..... oh no, oh no!" She slowly turned around, and realized that the strange, old looking man, was her dear older brother, who was finally home.

"Yes, I'm home, after all these years. I'm here to say goodbye. I don't know if I will see you alive, after this."

"W-What do you mean?" Rose said worriedly

"I will explain. On August 1st, Austria-Hungary declared war on Serbia. Since Russia is an ally to Serbia, and Germany is an ally to Austria-Hungary, they join the war too. Most of the other countries are allies to one of these countries, so they have to join the war."

"You know what this means, don't you?" Rose's mother said, sounding very old

"He has to join the war, doesn't he, mama." Rose said, holding back tears.

"Y-yes he does. I-I better go check on the tea" her mother said as she scurried out of the room.

"Rosalie, be strong for me, don't cry, please. You have to be strong for mother too, since Father is no longer here.  You are the one of the first to know. I will tell the others when they get home from school, alright? It will give you some time to get used to it. I am truly sorry we had to re-unite like this, Rose." he said gently.

"I'm so sorry James!"

"It's okay, at least I was able to see my family again. I've also come to propose to Anne McCaslin."

"Oh, you are still in touch with her after so many years?" Rose inquired curiously

"Yes, we write once a week to each other"

"She will be so surprised! You must tell me if she says yes, won't you?"

"Yes, Rose, I will let you know." he laughed

A timid, strangled sob echoed across the room, and a tiny blonde girl rushed across the room and engulfed James in a hug as big as her little arms could reach.

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