Chapter 12

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Harry's POV.

It has been month when Louis got out of the hospital. We were very happy. Louis didn't have fights and he has been taking me on the dates and everything. He is so sweet and loving guy. Louis went work and I said to him that I'm coming later. He had to go so early and I didn't want to wake up. Now I'm ready to go in tattoo parlor. It was so near our house that I decided to walk. It was nice weather. Sun was shining and birds sang their songs. It was beautiful.

I walked to the Louis' work. I opened the door. I stepped inside. I saw Liam sitting on the couch. He was reading a book. Niall were eating something. Louis was doing some tattoo and so was Zayn. Louis were so good at his work. He did so great tattoos. Liam looked up at his book and smiled at me. Niall stoped eating and gave me man hug. I hugged him back. "Hi babe!" Louis said so loud that I could hear it. "Hi boobear." I said. Louis smiled. He didn't look at me 'cause he was doing the tattoo. I sat down next to Liam. Liam was looking at Zayn with love in his eyes. I looked at Zayn who was doing the tattoo. He had black tank top and black skinny jeans. His tattoos hugged his muscular arms. I coughed. "You know...Zayn is quite nice guy." I said and put my hand over Liam's shoulder. Liam blushed and looked down at his hands. "He will never like me that way I like him...or even more. I love him." Liam said. I laughed. "You don't notice how he looks at you sometimes?" I asked. Liam looked at me. "What do you mean?" He asked. I smiled at him. "He have crush on you...of course. You're handsome and sweet guy. Everyone would fall for you. Even I but I'm with my Angel and I love him." I said. Liam chuckled, "But I don't have a balls to ask him out." Liam said.

I got an idea. Hahaha. "Zayn?" I asked and looked at him. Zayn looked up at me. "Huh?" He asked. I laughed evilly. "Would you go date with Liam?" I asked. Zayn blushed and looked down at the tattoo what he was doing. Liam elbowed me. I laughed at him. He blushed. Zayn looked up at us. "Really?" Zayn asked. I nodded and Liam shook his head. "I'd love to." He said and blushed. Liam blushed as well. I rolled my. "Are you sure?" Liam asked. Zayn nodded and winked at Liam. Liam blushed even more. They were cute. I heard my angel's laugh. I got up and walked over to him. He got the tattoo done and he was wrapping it in some plastic. He got it done and the customer paid it.

Louis smiled at me and came over to me. He wrapped his arms around me. I put my hands behind his neck. He came closer and pressed his lips to my lips. He started to move his lips and we moved in sync. "Hey guys...please. My virgin eyes." Niall said and put hand over his eyes. I pulled back. I looked at Louis' eyes. They were so beautiful. I could stare those eyes forever. Louis laughed at Niall. "How is your day?" I asked. "Boring without you." Louis mumbled. "Aww. You're cute." I said. Louis' eyes widened. "No I'm not. I'm scary." Louis said. I shook my head. "'re cute." I said. Louis gasped. He was just acting. "Say I'm scary." Louis said. He started to tickle me. I screamed. "Louis please stop." I said. I fell down and Louis fell on top of me. He still tickled me. "Say I'm scary." Louis said. I screamed again. "You're cute." I teased. Louis didn't stop. I had tears in my eyes. "Say it. Say that I'm scary." Louis said. "Okay...okay. You're scary. I'm terrified." I said. Louis stoped tickling me. I tried to catch my breath. Louis laughed and got up. He pulled me with him. I hugged him and he hugged back. I pulled back.

"You're stubid." I said

"You're asshole." Louis said.

"You're meanie." I said,

"I love you." Louis said.

"Love you too." I said.

The other guys laughed at me and Louis. Even Zayn's customer laughed. It was girl she had purple hair and she was beautiful. "Oh guys. I almost forgot. This is my good friend Perrie." Zayn said. "Hi." Perrie said. "Hi Perrie. Nice to meet you." I said. I hugged her. Don't ask why...I just hugged him. Louis looked at me with sad in his eyes. I hugged him too. He smiled again. He was cute and he was childish. But I love him. He is my Angel. "Harry I have surprise for you." Louis said. I looked at him. "What?" I asked. "Remember when you said that you want tattoo. Now you can get one BUT it have to be matching tattoo with me." Louis said. My eyes widened. "Really?! Oh my god! Thank you so much Louis!" I said and hugged him. Louis laughed and hugged me back. "What do you want to take?" He asked. I thinked gor a little while. "I want some text...umm...'I love my saving Angel HS+LT <3' it would be nice if it middle of the heart." I said. Louis kissed me. Niall and Zayn went draw our tattoos. "What you're gonna take?" I asked. Louis smirked at me. "Surprise but it's the same but the text is different." Louis said. He gave me quick kiss on my lips.

I sat down on the comfortable chair. Zayn would make Louis' tattoo and Niall mine. Liam have his own customer. Niall came to me and showed me the picture of my tattoo. "Where do you want it?" Niall asked. "On my ankle." I said. Niall nodded. He put the picture on my skin. "It's perfect." I said. Niall cuckled. "Are you ready Haz?" He asked. "Yeah." I said. Niall put the tattoo machine on and started to do my tattoo. "Does it hurt?" Niall asked. " feels weird." I giggled. Niall laughed. He wiped some ink of my ankle. It hurts little bit but I could handle it. "So Harry...Are you happy with Louis?" He asked. I rolled my eyes. "No...I hate him so much." I said sarcastically. Niall rolled his eyes. "You're so stubid. Of course I'm happy with my boobear. I love him so much that it hurts." I said. Niall smiled at me.

"So do you have boyfriend or girlfriend?" I asked. "No...and I'm gay by the way." Niall said. I laughed at him. "Do you have eye on anyone?" I asked. Niall sighed. "Yeah...there's the one guy." Niall said. He was sad. "Oh no...tell me everything." I said. I sounded like a girl. I'm so gay. "I like him very much. He's sweet and handsome and fit and beautiful. I love everything about him. But I don't know if he is gay. And even if he is gay he wouldn't ever love me." Niall said with sadness in his eyes. "What do you mean?" I asked. Niall looked at me. "I'm weird and...fat and...ugly and...just nothing special." Niall said quietly. I put my hand on his shoulder. "Look at me Niall Horan. You're most funniest person in the world. You are handsome, fit, beautiful and everything. You have most funniest things and you make everyone laugh. Anyone would fall for you. You have to believe yourself. And you have to believe me. You are so sweet and you care about anyone and you're just perfect. Promise me that you will ask him date with you." I said. Niall looked straight to my eyes. "Thanks mate...and I promise." Niall said. He smiled at me. I hugged him little bit. Niall smiled again and I was gald about it.

Niall got my tattoo done. I looket at it and gasped. "Oh my god. It's perfect." I said. I hugged Niall. "You can go and show it to Louis and then I will wrap it in plastic." Niall said and patted my shoulder. I walked over to Louis. He's tattoo was ready too. "Do you wanna see my tattoo babe?" I asked. Louis nodded. I showed it to him. He stared it with wide eyes. "It's perfect and I love you too babe. You are so beautiful babe." Louis said and kissed me. I kissed back. "Do you wanna see mine?" He asked. I nodded. He showed it. There was text. 'I love the boy who love on the streets' I gasped. I felt tears in my eyes. "That's perfect." I whispered. Under the text read same HS+LT and it was middle of the heart. I love my Angel. Louis is my everything now.

-Next day-

Louis' POV.

I was in work again. I was alone 'cause I had the first customer. The boys will be here just after three hours or something. The customer came in and we started to do his tattoo. He didn't talk with me or anything so it was little bit boring. I did the tattoo and the guy paid it. He thanked me and walked out of the tattoo shop. I walked around the parlor and decided to clean it. There were dirty. After about half an hour I saw a note. It stick on the door. I was sure that it wasn't there when I get in work. I took it. It was from lads. 'Go to mall and buy something to eat. And go buy some more piercing needles.' I sighed and took my jacket and my wallet. I walked to the mall 'cause it wose close enough the tattoo parlor.

Harry's POV.

I was walking to the tattoo shop. I decided to go there little bit earlier. I walked over there. I opened the door. There wasn't anyone in there. "Hello? Is anyone here?" I asked. I tried to find Louis but he was nowhere. I heard a strange voice. There was someone. But who? "Hello? Someone here?" I asked. I heard the voice again. I turned around and saw unknown man. "W-who are you?" I asked. I started to get afraid. "Your worst nightmare." The man said. He hit me with a basaball bat and everything went black.


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The Boy who lives on the streets AU. (Larry Stylinson punk, punk Louis)Where stories live. Discover now