Chapter 14

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Louis' POV.

It's have been week. One fucking week without Harry. I can't handle it anymore. Zayn have one friend from America and he is in FBI. He promised to come here and help us. He is good with Computers and everything. I'm so fucking scared for Harry. I was living in tattoo parlor. I couldn't go home. I haven't eat like in days. I'm just so lost and I'm just so broken. If Harry is dead? I wouldn't handle that I would kill myslef too.

I woke up when someone came in the tattoo parlor. It was Niall, Liam, Zayn and some Guy. "Hi Louis! This is my friend Nick and he promised to help us." Zayn said. I nodded. I sat up and rubbed my temples. Niall sat down next to me. He hugged me. "Louis you look terrible." Niall sighed. I laughed. "Yeah...I don't care. I just have to find Harry." I said. Niall nodded and bulled back. He looked at me and smiled at me.

The Nick guy started his job. "Louis we will find Harry." He said. I nodded. He had his Computer on his desk. After few minutes my phone started to ring. It was unknown number. I pressed the green botton. "Hello?" I said. "Oh...Hello Louis. Nice to hear your voice. Harry has been talking about you quite much." The unkown man said. I gasped. "Where's Harry?!" I asked. The guys looked at me with shock in their eyes. Nick started to do something. "Oh...if I would tell could come here with cops and everything so what about no...I'm not telling you." The man said. "If you touch him I will kill you with my own hands." I said. "You have one day...then I'm not here anymore. I'm far away from here...and your little Harry is dead." He said. I gulped. Nick has his headphones in his ears. I think that he was listening our conversation. "Dear Louis...I have to go now bu-" Someone cut him off. "Louis! I love you! Remember that!" It was Harry. "Shut up you little shit...bye Louis." The man said and he hang up.

"Did you get anything?" Liam asked. Nick didn't answer. He was doing something with his Computer. I sighed and sat down. Zayn sat down next to me. "Don't worry mate...we will find him." Zayn said. I shook my head. "He will kill him in one day." I whispered. Zayn gulped. I shook my head and got up. I stormed out of the tattoo parlor. I needed alone time. I walked into the park. I just walked and walked and thinked everything and nothing. I thinked about Harry and if he will die. He just can't. He can't die. I love him and I will save him. I will find him and save him. I walked back to the tattoo parlor. I will find him.

-Next day-

"I found it!" Nick yelled. I snapped my head up and looked at him. "I found where Harry is!" He said. I jumped up. "We have to go!" I yelled. "No we can't...we need help. The house can be full of men and we can't beat them up. I sighed and sat down. So we have to wait.

Harry's POV.

The gun was on my forehead. "Sad thing that I can't kill you...yet." The man said. "But I will kill you...just like your parents." He said and laughed after it. He walked out of the room and left me alone. I sighed. I was glad that he didn't kill me...yet.

-One week and one day later-

Okay...I'm still here. In this fucking dark room. They don't let me eat anything. They just gave me some water. They have been beating shit out of me. I'm weak and tired. I can't talk and I can't handle my headache anymore. I didn't feel my hands anymore. I think that this is the way how I die. Is Louis looking for me? I hope that he is 'cause I think that something will happen today.

I sat there like half an hour and then the door opened. It was very old house that was only thing what I knew about it. The asshole man stepped inside. He had evil smirk on his face. "Okay Harold...the day has come." The asshole said. The man who killed my parents. The man who ruined my life. He walked over to me and slapped me on my cheek. I yelped. "Are you going to stop?" I asked. "I like slapping you...but I have to kill you." The man said. I don't even know his name. "I'm not going to shoot you...I will burn you. You have to suffer and burn to death." He laughed. "You can see this thread. When I kindle it on fire this house will explode. So...say goodbye for everyone." the man said. I gulped.

The man was going to kindle the thread but then I heard police sirens. I smiled. Louis has been look for me. "Oh fucking great thing...just great." The man mumbled. He dropped his lighter and stormed out of the house. The only bad thing was that the lighter kindled the thread. I gulped.

Louis' POV.

We were in the car. The police parked the car infront of the house. I jumped up and started to run into the house but someone stoped me. "No! You have to wait son." The guy said. I didn't care about what he said and ran closer the house. Then something happened. The hole fucking house exploded. I gulped. I felt tears in my eyes. "No! nonononononono!" I screamed. I put my hands on my head. I pulled my hair. "No! No fucking NO!" I yelled. I was crying mess right now. Zayn, Liam and Niall ran over to me. I fell down on my knees and stared at the burning house. "Nonononono. This can't be happening." I mumbled. "NO! He can't be dead." I said. Niall, Liam and Zayn tried to pull me up but I didn't want to get up. "I'm so sorry...Harry's gone." Niall mumbled. "No fucking NO! He's not gone!" I yelled. The polices tried to catch the man who were behind this. "No Harry is not dead." I said and repeater it all the time. Harry is nor dead I can feel it.


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The Boy who lives on the streets AU. (Larry Stylinson punk, punk Louis)Where stories live. Discover now