chapter 1

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Louis' POV.

The boy just stood dumb founded as he stared at me. his eyes were wide open and filled with horror. "W-what are you doing in here?" he asked, trying to sound confident but his voice faltered making his voice sound weak. "I want to help you." I said softly staring at him, his eyes grew wide as he shook his head. "No...nobody wants to help me." The boy whispered. I let out a small sigh smiling a bit and shaking my head, no. "I want to, okay babe? I can't just leave you here. It's freezing cold." I shooted. "No...Just leave...okay? You don't want to help me. Nobody wants to help me." He whimpered. I felt sorry for this boy. He seemed so broken. So I sat next to him. I sensed that he was afraid of me but i couldn't blame him. I was covered in tattoos and piercings. Yeah...I have to full sleeves and my back and stomach tattooed and then I have a snake bites. Most of the people are scared of me. Always afraid when they see me, they're all about run a away I have done bad things in the past but I'm not bad guy anymore. The boy was shaking, probably 'cause he was cold and he was afraid of me. "Hey..." I cooed. "I won't hurt you. I'm not a bad guy." I said. It was half a lie. He didn't look at me. He pressed his face against his knees. He hugged his knees and he was shaking like a mad. "Hey...hey I won't hurt you. I want to help you, babe...okay?" I said. When he didn't look at me I sighed again.

I stood up. The boy was curled up in a little ball. "Please trust me. I won't hurt you. I want to help you and I'm not going before you come with me." I whispered. The boy looked at me. I smiled at him. "What's your name, beautiful?" I asked. He looked down at his toes. "H-harry." He stuttered. I smiled at him kindly. "I'm Louis. You have beautiful name." I said. I'm sure that he blushed. "I have warm house...come with me. Stay with me." I said. He looked at me again. He shook his head. "No...n-no I can't." He whispered. I rolled my eyes. "And why you can't?" I asked. He rolled his eyes. "Nobody cares about me..." He whispered. I can't believe him! I just offered him a home and he just threw it in my face! I rolled my eyes. If nothing else then forced. I picked Harry up the bridal style. He didn't fight back. He whined a little. "Is your back hurt?" I asked. He just nodded a little. A poor little he is even on the streets. I started to walk towards my home.

I somehow managed to open my door with Harry on my arms. I walked at my livingroom and set Harry on the couch. He whined again. He curled up on little ball again. He had his dirty blanket around him. I walked into the kitchen. I took a glass and filled it with water. I gave it to Harry. He drank it. He was so skinny and broken. I wanted to help him so badly but I have to take everything slowly. I don't want scare him away. "When was thw last time you ate something?" I asked. He shrugged his shoulder a little and played with his fingers. He looked so tired and he had black circles under his eyes. "'re probably tired. I show you your room and you can go to sleep." I said. He just nodded. I picked him up again and started to walk towards Harry's room.

I set him on his bed. His eyes were close. I put a clean blanket on top of him and looked down to his beautiful face. He looked so peaceful. I stroked his cheek smiling like a mad. I wasn't sure if he was asleep. He was the most beautiful person I have ever seen. I couldn't help it but I felt butterflyes in my stomach when I touched him. I wanted to help him. I wanted to fix him. I want take care of him. Who could do something so bad that he is afraid of everything. I want know everything about his past. What happened to him? Why he lived on the streets? I want and I will know someday. I want fix this boy no matter what.

I hope you liked it lovelies! Make sure you comment, vote, fan?, and share! Love ya all so much xx-Cathrine xx

The Boy who lives on the streets AU. (Larry Stylinson punk, punk Louis)Where stories live. Discover now