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Hi! I'm back in 2020 because I can't leave this fanfiction alone. I love it. Unashamedly. I used to dislike it because I thought I'd grown out of it. But no. Definitely not. Welcome back!

I'm going to be temporarily unpublishing any chapters which haven't been rewritten as I am changing some plot points! Have no fear. It'll be worth it! And I'm going to keep a copy of the older story in case anyone wants it lol

I'd like to think I'm mature now because I'm an adult and finished school and have a job and all that, but no. If the urge to write a peter jackson legolas romance hits me I can't fight it. Not sorry!!

I wanted to rewrite it purely because of the joy it brings me. This isn't the "better" version. Not much will change tbh. There's just gonna be more. And hopefully it'll be nicer to read. The old version is still gonna be up - it's got this charm to it I adore. This will essentially have all of it in there. Just edited. Again. For the millionth time. But with more! I've got the old version for reference - after all I did actually manage to write a few nice sentences in it. 13 year old me from 2014 is so happy at me for doing this right now.

Let's hope I actually get the typos this time although, knowing me, I won't. Definitely not. Ah well! Onwards!

PS. After all these years I still find diva legolas funny so i am of course going to be using the gifs a lot. lots of love xo


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PREVIOUS NOTICES (I don't have the heart to delete them):

21/12/17 09:57am - hi there. I've tried writing this message so many times & it keeps coming out wrong so bear with me. So a couple days ago I decided to read this book again for the first time since January 2015. Just because. And there's a bit of me wishing I could leave this fanfic in the past - what is done is done, y'know? It was my first wattpad book and so therefore comes with all that role suggests: typos, cliches, desperation to get noticed and have my book stand out. But there is the other bit of me (more specifically the 2014 part embedded in my brain) which keeps telling me to change it and make it better. So do you know what? I'm going to indulge! (It's almost Christmas and I'm on a break & have a much better understanding of writing and truly believe I can actually make it better and just why not!?). This fanfic came about in 2014 when I wanted to follow the crowd and do what everyone else was doing and write a Legolas fanfic. Based totally off the movie, naturally. And even though I try and act like I'm above it all and I'm all mature and that...but the thing is I'm very much kinda extremely fond of this book & the memories I have of writing it and how hard I worked...not even ashamed to admit that. This book kickstarted my writing practise. I am so thankful for that, in a way. In 2015 I hate to admit I still wasn't that brilliant a writer; editing it two (technically in a few days three!!) whole years ago is a long long time ago. So forgive me for accidentally reading this book and wanting to change a lot. But only out of love and a lowkey aspect of still being a proper nerd, like. So prepare for less typos (i actually promise this time), better gifs and layout (wattpad was completely different when I first wrote this. Remember when you actally had real pages??) while still keeping the same innocent little story I first wrote.

Back when I wrote this fanfic I was very shy & introverted and spent a lot of time on my own (quite happily!) reading and drawing and watching films and scrolling endlessly through wattpad & tumblr. This book brings back a lot of happy memories, actually! And lord of the rings is a story and world and fandom I'm besotted with even to this day. So. I'm back at it again with the Leggy fanfic and not even sorry 'bout it. Although I think it would be so hard to change the whole transcript and feel of the book because I took so much dialogue from the film, I'm just gonna edit it a bit and maybe change a few things to make the book a lil bit more original and the /romance/ a lil' bit more happy & exciting !! Only because I'm still a tiny lil bit besotted with 2001 Orlando. Not even sorry.

Oops. Here I go again! (I'm gonna leave a on all the chapters edited in 2017/2018 so ya know)

btw i absolutely adore comments. i read them all. keep them coming!!



I have also added in some Elvish of my own amongst the original Elvish found in the film. It is in Sindarin and most of the stuff I use can be found on a highly recommended phrase book website. I avoid translators because they just give you the word without the proper grammar and issues like that. Be warned, that phrase book is the reason my friends hate me. I keep spurting out random phrases.

COPYRIGHT: foreversmaug 2014. All rights reserved. I only own the things I have added in. All credit goes to J.R.R Tolkien (author) & Peter Jackson (director)

The COVER: foreversmaug 2015. (the original picture credit does NOT belong to me)

Herio i narn! May the story begin!

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