Chapter Ten: Goodbyes, What's So Good About Them?

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"You guys still act like children." -Grams, IASWAP

CHAPTER TEN: Goodbyes, What's So Good About Them?

CHAPTER TEN: Goodbyes, What's So Good About Them?

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Zamzam Amin

It's days like today that perfectly match the definition of bitter-sweet, the bitter part being that Isa and Samiyah are going to leave a week after their wedding and the sweet part being that they're going to be married. Today is the day before the wedding so you could imagine how crazy things are right now. It's like no one could just stop and relax for a moment. I'm trying to help as much as I can but every time I want to do something they're telling me to sit down and not worry because it isn't good for the baby. Like right now when I tried to help decorate the place where the wedding's going to be at both Baba and Adam wouldn't let me.

Sighing, I sat down on a chair and scrolled through my phone. "Hey babe I'm going to go get food, do you want anything?" My husband said as he kissed the top of my head "Yeah can you get me some chipotlé? You know my usual order." I smiled at the thought of food. "Sure thing, I'll be back in twenty In Shaa Allah. Do you want anything Baba?" He asked my dad politely.

"No thank you, son." Baba replied with a slight shake of his head.

"Alright, I'll be back soon." Adam responded as he headed towards his car.

After a little while I noticed Baba had a a certain look on his face as he was talking on the phone. Wait a minute, I know that look. It's the same look he had when we first heard that mom passed away. Something in my gut was telling me something is wrong. As soon as he hung up I walked towards him. "Baba what's going on?" I asked worriedly.

He shook his head.

"Nothing habibti don't worry."

Hearing him say that made me feel even more annoyed than usual."Baba I'm not a naïve little girl anymore so you could tell me." I pleaded. He sighed as he pinched the bridge of his nose and shut his eyes. "I'm just having a little difficulty at work that's all. I'm sorry that I made you worry unnecessarily but nothing's wrong. So relax habibti." Baba responded.

"Are you sure that's all?" I asked just to make sure. "Yes sweetie." He reassured.  I decided to just trust him and not ask anymore questions. If it was something really big he would tell us.

* * *

"How does this taste?" Grams asked as she fed me a piece of her famous Baklava. "Really good!" I exclaimed as I devoured it. Words cannot describe how much I love my grandmother and her cooking. When I was younger, my teacher used to ask me what reminds me of home I'd always say Grams's cooking. It's just something about it that makes you think of home.

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