chapter 5

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Zeta woke up. Eri was sitting in a chair watching her. Zeta shouted.

"Sorry didn't mean to scare you. I am a Nexus spirit so I don't need sleep as much as the living." Eri said.

"Eri what's going on?" Zeta asked.

"Well some of your memories are gone. We think your link might have something to do with it."

"My link?"

"The pink star on your shoulder."

"Woah I always wondered what purpose that served. It always felt different from my armor."

"Sure, your armor is made out of your energy. Your link is called a starlink there are only five in left existence. Starr, Eclipse, Shadow, Solaris, and Komodo. The rest were killed off by Queen Aurora. They are robot like creatures that feel emotions and have complete control of their actions. They help maintain energy stability and help you switch between power modes. They were invented by Virginis Delta and Wolf Alpha."

"Can I assume Draconis Iota uses them too?"

"He does."

"Who are Wolf Alpha, Draconis Iota, and Virginis Delta to me?"

"Relatives." Eri said. "We are dead to the public but the public knows that sometimes I walk around. They think that we are ghosts that are so in love with the city that we patrol it sometimes."

"Eri! May I go with you?" Ben asked. He was standing in the doorway wearing a suit. Ben normally wore a t-shirt and shorts he always looked really causal. It fit the human Ben much better than the Jurai. When Ben was in his Jurai form he looked more formal it would look awkward if he ran around in his casual clothing. The suit, shirt, tie, and shoes were black. His suit jacket was only buttoned with the middle button. His hair hung in his face. His hair was messy but that contributed to his appearance. His silver eyes and tattoos stood out.

"Eri that's..." Zeta said.

"Yes I am a Jurai but I was your friend since childhood."

"I don't..."

"I know." Eri said. "Anyway let's go." The sky was still dark and stormy. During the walk Eri talked about the city and how things were.

"Zeta! Eri!" A teenage boy shouted. Zeta hid behind Eri. "My name is James. I was one of the kids you rescued. You actually talked to me. I was scared and you calmed me down."

"Ah the kid in the woods. You were very brave." Eri said. Zeta was shaking. "School is going to be starting in five minutes you should go."

"Yeah, I know. Hey, can I take a picture with you guys."

"Yeah." Eri and Zeta took the picture with him but Eri could feel Zeta was nervous. He had never noticed that before. "There you go now get to class."

"Okay." James said. He ran off to the school.

"How do we know him?" Zeta asked.

"I assured him he was safe during the return of the Jurai and Darklinks." Eri explained

"Oh yeah I remember parts of both of the invasions. I don't remember much about in between. We had an army?"

"Yeah. You built the army. It started the Solarian and Samian armies. Then our friends and families. An incident caused you to recruit our classmates and teachers. You had a couple friends that joined the army. You are very powerful."

"I did all that?"

"Yeah you had my support so it was easy for you to recruit the Samian army."

"Samian? Solarian? Eri, who am I?"

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