^Evan's Mom^
I walked in the front door, set my backpack down, and sighed. It was finally summer vacation.
"Hey, Lina! You excited for summer?"
"Not if you're going to call me Lina everyday," I mumbled, walking into the kitchen.
"What was that?"
"Yes, Mom." I put on a fake smile. "I'm excited for summer."
"Well, that's good. Can you run upstairs and grab my phone charger?"
Her charger was where it always is, still plugged in next to her bed. I unplug it when I notice a rainbow brochure next to her nightstand.
I put down the charger and pick up the brochure. "True You Correctional Facility," I read aloud.
I grabbed the charger again and went back downstairs. "Hey, what's this brochure for?"
"You weren't supposed to find that," she sighed.
"Are- are you sending me to camp?"
"Well-" she paused. "Yes. It was your father's idea."
"I don't know, he said something about keeping our family 'clean.'"
"Clean? As in no gays?"
"I guess."
"I can't believe you're doing this." I shook my head. "I, your only daughter, only child, am being sent to a summer camp to be 'fixed?'"
"I'm sorry, Li- Evan." I half smiled. I was still upset, but at least she called me the right name. "Anyways, you should start packing. You need to be at the bus station at 10 am tomorrow."
Word Count: 230