^Evangeline Carter^
"Evan! Last day of school!" I shut my locker.
"Sara!" I hugged her. "I can't believe you came back for one day of school."
"My mom made me. So how'd the whole lesbian thing go over with your parents?"
"Pretty well, I guess. I still live with them, and they haven't pressured me into being straight."
"Well, that's good. We should probably get to lunch."
"Alright, if you wanna throw all your papers in the air at the end of class, go ahead. I don't really care. But who knows the width of a rectangle when the area is 42cm2?"
My mind wandered off and I started drawing on the side of my paper. By the end of class, it ended up being a very detailed drawing of two girls kissing. I smirked as the bell rang. I threw all my papers but the one into the air. I stuffed it into my pocket and met up with Sara at my locker.
"It's summer!!!" Sara said, jumping up and down.
"I'm v excited for my mom to call me Lina everyday."
"Oh, yeah, I'm sorry."
I grabbed my backpack and went to the bus with Sara. It was finally summer.
Word Count: 200